Walk Like An Egyptian, Part 3

Walk Like An Egyptian, Part 3

SHAH ALAM: Walk like an Egyptian, Part 3. Egypt has launched its fourth, El Fateh (Gowind) class corvette, the Luxor, the third vessel to be built locally at the Alexandria shipyard on May 14, 2020. Two other corvettes build at the shipyard are the Port Said and Al Moez. The first Egyptian Navy Gowind corvette, El Fateh was handed over to Egypt in September, 2017.

Port Said the first Egyptian locally build warship was launched in September, 2018 while the second one, Al Moez was launched in May 2019. The ships are built at the Alexandria shipyard with Naval Group, the French state-owned shipbuilder.

Luxor prior to her launch on May 14 2020. Naval Group.

Like the RMN Maharaja Lela class frigates, the Egyptian Gowinds arefitted with the Naval Group’s SETIS combat management system and the enclosed mast, the Panoramic Sensors and Intelligence Module (PSIM). The PSIM incorporates the corvette’s semspr including the SMART-S radar and electronic warfare equipment. They are fitted with 16 VL-MICA surface-to-air missiles and eight Exocet MM40 surface-to-surface missiles as well as one 76 mm and two 20 mm guns. The vessels can each carry one medium helicopter and will be fitted with torpedo launchers. Sensors include a Kingklip sonar and Captas 2 towed sonar.
Luxor after her launch. Naval Group

Initially the Egyptian Navy was supposed to buy another two Gowind corvettes for the fleet but in 2018 it was announced that it was planning to buy six Meko A200 from Germany instead. One of the ships reportedly have been contracted for in early 2019 but so far there is no word whether the other five would also be build.
Egyptian Navy EL Fateh Gowind 2500 corvette.

It is likely that if Egypt opted to buy another two Gowind it is likely that these two ships would be commissioned into service faster than our own Gowinds. But that is water under the bridge now. As it is we are no closer to getting our Gowinds than the Egyptians getting their Mekos. That said, the Egyptian Navy received its first out of three U209/1400 submarine from Germany last month. The submarine was ordered in 2011 with another two ordered in 2014.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (53)

  • News like these are even more depressing to read in an already depressive moment....Covid-19, China's intrusion, economic slump, Raya @ home instead of kampung. Nearly half a year gone and still no progress on the our Gowinds and now 2 ancient dinosaurs still playing politics...plus, there's some talk the CMS upgrade on the Jebat has hit some snags?

    2020 is fast becoming annus horribilis that's for sure

  • Congratulations Egypt!

    They managed to build locally and launch into the water 3 ships into the water. We build 4 ships at the same time but now still on land. Everything should be confirmed and ordered before steel is cut. No use to fret as it has already happened. Just do a countermeasure and get the ship launched, We cannot start building another 2 until at least the 1st 2 ships is in the water and floating.

  • A question here. Does the increase in size of our Gowinds from 2500 tons to 3100 tons is due to the need for more range from 3700nm to 5000nm and for a hangar to support a 10-ton heli? Thanks in advance 😊

  • @Marhalim
    Has the Maharajalela work stoppage issue been resolved? Has work restarted?

    I have been told only remedial works are being done. You know the situation is bad as no one has said anything on the matter publicly apart from what have been said in Dewan Rakyat last year

  • Nothing new. We never learnt. At least the LMS are ontime n operating. We are sure to get our 4 boats on time on budget. We should just take delivery of what is ready n forget about the rest. No point agonising it. If we want the ships go buy direct in future as proven we cant manage the project. Sad but true. Fortunately they did not try to assemble our own planes or helis.
    Our rifles also got problem . Wheteas Ausyralia did not get problems from their rifles.
    If we cant manage it , then just buy direct g to g next time.
    Lets not waste more time on the LCS

  • @ Lee Yoke Meng

    We have the technical capability to do our own ships. It is just the screw ups from the management side. We are wasting time because decisions are not made. There is not much difference in specification of our ship and egypts. There should not be much teething problems. If we just put our foot down and complete the ships, it should come out right.

  • Whats the reason behind delays? Government not paying money for completed parts?

    They need extra money and likely new agreement as first ship already delayed.

  • Is the Gagah Samudera class ships good enough for Patrol duties?

    Why not build more of this class but deploy them for patrol while at the same time train our sailors. Maybe have at least 10 ships of this class, which later can be transferred to MMEA, if peacetime patrolling is no longer a RMN duty.

    By having them, Kedah-class can be released from patrol duties and be more of combat ships - after upgrading the weapons of course.

    Yes it's good enough for patrol duties. If they had wanted it it would have been built instead of the LMS

  • So our version, despite being larger than egyptian, has smaller main gun and inferior CIWS? wtf

    What CIWS?
