Categories MKN

Upgrades at Pulau Layang-Layang

A RMN AW139 MOH approaching Pulau Layang-Layang in September 2022. The helikopter visited the five RMN stations in the Spratlys as part of its operational duties. RMN.

SHAH ALAM: The National Security Council or Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) is upgrading the infrastructure and the aerodrome facilities at Pulau Layang-Layang or Stesen LIMA, Malaysia’s biggest facility on the Spratlys Island in the South China Sea.

The upgrading work was made public by the Defence Engineering Division of the Malaysian Armed Forces. It is likely similar work is being done on the other four stations in the chain though it was not mentioned in the division release (see below).

MKN and Defence Engineering Division personnel checking the runway at Pulau Layang-Layang.

It must be noted that MKN was allocated RM246 million in the 2024 Budget, compared to RM22 million in 2023 and RM23 million in 2022. I have no idea whether the extra budget is meant for the Stesen LIMA upgrade work as it must be noted that MKN has other priorities which it has not made public.
Pulau Layang-Layang as seen from a Special Forces operator conducting an exercise in early 2019. BTDM

The release published by BTDM:

PULAU LAYANG-LAYANG: Ketua Pengarah Bahagian Perkhidmatan Kejuruteraan Pertahanan (BPKP) Brig Jen Ir Thevendran CS Maniam dan Puan Hanifah Abdullah, Pengarah Bahagian Pembangunan Keselamatan (BPK) Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Pulau Layang-layang bagi meninjau Projek Menaiktaraf dan Penambahbaikan Aerodrome serta Infrastruktur di Pulau Layang-Layang pada 7 Nov 2023.
Terdahulu, ketibaan Ketua Pengarah BPKP disambut oleh Lt Kdr Mohd Shafiq Razian, Pegawai Memerintah Stesen Lima TLDM Pulau Layang-Layang. Lawatan ini yang turut dihadiri oleh wakil daripada TUDM bertujuan bagi meninjau baki kerja untuk menyiapkan landasan terbang, terminal penerbangan dan bilik mesyuarat yang sebelum ini telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak MKN. Selain itu, Ketua Pengarah BPKP bersama Pengarah BPK juga telah dibawa melihat Bangunan Menara Kawalan bagi meninjau kerosakan yang terdapat pada bangunan tersebut.
BPKP diberi kepercayaan untuk menyiapkan baki kerja pembinaan bangunan dan infrastruktur di pulau tersebut agar dapat membantu pasukan yang beroperasi melaksanakan tugas dengan efisyen bagi mengekalkan keselamatan dan kedaulatan sempadan Maritim negara.

Pulau Layang-Layang at the start of the reclamation work in 80s. One of the soldiers involved in the operation was former CDF TS Zulkifeli Zin. He was a major or captain during the operation. RMN

As the Defence Minister had told Dewan Rakyat recently that the ministry had proposed to station a long air surveillance radar on Stesen LIMA, one wonder whether this will be done so during the upgrading work.
A scale model of Mitsubishi TPS-80 air and surface surveillance radar. It is built on a 20-foot container for easier transportation and suitable for forward location. The 80E is the export version of the same radar used by the Japanese military. Used for illustration only. ATLA

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (39)

  • Showing off the Mitsubishi TPS-80E hints at something. Perhaps we are expecting some donation from Japan again?

    • Nope, as I mentioned as it used for illustration only due to its mobile nature which is suitable for installation on Pulau Layang-Layang as it could be operational within days of delivery. Furthermore, there is no need to build other infrastructure to support it. There are other similar radars which are also available for our needs.

  • How about enlarging and extending the airstrip, include bombproof hangar and install skyguard/skyshield and Starstreak detachment on the outpost

  • Marhalim - ''There are other similar radars which are also available for our needs.''

    To be a devil's advocate; if indeed the radar is bought will it be operated standalone or integrated to the present setup; Labuan's SOC? I would think a major problem would be the availability of sufficient power supply but then of course it won't be running 24/7.

    • They could install solar panels and extra wind turbines to generate electricity together with long lasting batteries to ensure 24 hour electricity.

  • "There are other similar radars which are also available for our needs."
    There was budgeted for a radar buy plus the US donated radar, was these part of the MKN proposal or is it something additional that wasnt brought up earlier?

    "They could install solar panels and extra wind turbines"
    For such a flat landmass with little protection from extreme weather (typhoons & squalls) its better to use underwater wave turbines generators as these are better protected.

  • The recent PLA intrusion shows that by capturing Layang² it can divide the country into two sections. Which is why them gov is upgrading them. Idk if there will be an Iwo Jima style pillboxes or tunnels but we certainly need to beef it up & keep it secure.

  • Qamarul - “The recent PLA intrusion shows that by capturing Layang² it can divide the country into two sections”

    No it doesn’t show that.

    BTW the PLA doesn’t have to “divide the country into two sections” as you put it but merely to deny us access to the reefs.

    Qamarul- “Which is why them gov is upgrading them”

    The upgrades are being done to improve conditions there and for other things. Not for the reason you mentioned.

    Qamarul - “& keep it secure”

    Not by any actual physical works on the reef but improving our ability to deploy sea and air power as best we can in line with our resources.

  • Alex - “How about enlarging and extending the airstrip, include bombproof hangar and install skyguard/skyshield”

    - We can deploy a whole battery of S-400s and a para brigade there but won’t make a difference against a determined assault by a country which has sea and air power.
    - The RMN has divested itself of the surface to air role.

  • Azlan- We can deploy a whole battery of S-400s and a para brigade there but won’t make a difference against a determined assault by a country which has sea and air power.

    By your thinking, we should give Layang-Layang to the Chinese.

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