TUDM Subang Open Day Part II


The Star of the Show!

KUALA LUMPUR: Due to the congestion on roads leading to PD on Saturday, we decided to stay at home over the weekend.
Since there was nothing to do on Sunday, after lunch, we decided to give the children a closer look at RMAF planes with TUDM Subang located so close to home. Anway, below are some pictures from the Open Day. No videos though as my camcorder is on the freeze due to old batteries.

One of the most popular exhibits was the Nuri helicopter tail number 16, perhaps because they allow the public to board the aircraft. Number 16 was almost brand new! Perhaps it just came from refurbishment from Airod and towed to Subang for the Open Day. It looked immaculate and certainly did not look the age.

One thing though I spotted bundle of wires under the cockpit, looking simply out of place in the scheme of things. It maybe the practice 30 years ago but nowdays most of these wires are usually kept smartly out of view using plastic tubings and such. It will make it tougher for technicians but at least it would prevent mioisture and other bad stuff from causing glitches and other stuff.

For the first time RMAF also displayed training weapons for the Sukhois including the KH-31 (right) and its designator. Also displayed were the Russian guided bombs (left).

No Amramski or the Archers though. No mockups of the Amraam too though the Sparrow inert round was displayed at the Hornet squadron booth.

The Open Day, apart from the usual Malaysian habit of littering, was quite a success with some 3,000 people visiting the base together with us on Sunday afternoon. Perhaps they will have the same function at other RMAF bases soon. Its however, doubtful that all the planes in RMAF will be around for all these celebrations.

The flying displays? It was exciting for those who have not seen them but an old hand like me, its quite old stuff though even with the Sukhois…

Other exhibits…





Hawk 108
–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2364 Articles
Shah Alam

1 Comment

  1. hey…i am medical student fro padang..recently..TUDM MALAYSIA..saved us from earthquake..no word to thank the department and oter parties involve..thank you..love malaysia..

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