Third Time Lucky


SHAH ALAM: Third time lucky. It appears that the Defence Ministry is looking to find another multi-modal transport operator (MTO) to ship the Saab NLAW anti-tank weapon from Sweden. This is based on a request for bid for the MTO for the service published on the Finance Ministry eperolehan website today.

The tender notice:


The selected MTO provider will need to transport the NLAW – likely in one container – from the port of Varberg, Sweden to the 93 Depot Pusat Peluru, Kem Mempaga, Pahang. This is the same destination for the other two tenders.

A soldier preparing to fire the NLAW. Note the red dot sight. SAAB

This is likely the third time that the ministry is looking for the MTO to ship the weapons from Sweden. The first one was in 2018 and the second one was two months ago. I have no idea whether the latest request for bids means that is the third batch of NLAWs for the Army.

Saab NLAW. Saab

Or simply the first and only batch and the other two MTO tenders had failed. I am pretty sure that the 2018 one was not shipped to Malaysia as we had not prepared the export license on time. I am hopeful though the latest tender is for at least the second batch of NLAWs for the Army, so we have enough stocks to distribute to all of its units instead of just enough for for the GGK and 10 Para Brigade.
Unlike the Carl Gustav and RPG-7, the NLAW can be fired safely in a confined space. SAAB

Hopefully we will get some clarification on the NLAW order in the near future though it is likely will only be some clarity next April, during DSA 2020.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (48)

  • You can fit 1teu container in a A400M. So why not just send one to pick up the NLAWs? Our pilots needs the flying time anyway. If we can send the A400M for a few players to play friendly cricket recently (yes really) why not to pick up the NLAWs?

    Don't think RMAF wants to use its OE funds to carry Army stuff when it could be done much cheaper by a commercial company. The Thailand trip was part of an operational mission

  • Thanks for the news.

    Finally a top attack atgm for our military. Its shorter range wont matter much if use correctly in urban or jungle environment.

  • really hope this is the second batch of the NLAW and not the old one....at least it will be a good news for army..

    Mr marhalim, any news on MD530G or it still unknown??

  • Do armies regularly ship live armaments by commercial transporters?

    Yes, and usually it is part of the contract itself though we always used our own MTO

  • "Finally a top attack atgm for our military. Its shorter range wont matter much if use correctly in urban or jungle environment."

    The value of light weight systems is to give foot mobile elements some means of anti-tank defence. They are not a substitute for heavier, longer ranged systems like Ingwe. Ideally those should have a top attack capability as well, considering the improving quality of regional armour.

  • These NLAW would boost army's anti tank capability because not only that it has fire and forget capability, it is also our only shoulder launched ATGM after Eryx was retired some time ago

    To add to our anti tank capability (especially shoulder launched ones), the army should consider acquiring guided munitions for Carl Gustaf as we also been acquiring more Carl Gustaf as well

  • Nihd- “use correctly in urban or jungle environment”

    In a strictly jungle environment such weapons may not be able to be used effectively due to vegetation. In such places even throwing grenades have to be thrown carefully lest they hit a branch and bounce back to the thrower. Another point is that such an environment may not present ideal targets for MBT LAW or stuff similar to it.

    Zulkhairi Ghazali,

    Even in times of war or the period leading up to across hostilities; its normal for countries to use commercial shipping/aircraft to move men, ammo and heavy equipment. We’ve seen this in numerous conflicts including the Gulf War, Iraq invasion and Afghanistan.

  • @AM

    Yes agree with you. From what i see, atgm for bis support company should be either the mbda mmp or lig nex1 raybolt.

    Saab NLAW should be for SF and 10th para i believe.

    Just my sekupang.

  • Currently what we have

    RPG-7s at section level
    Carl Gustav Mk1
    M72 LAW - replacement for C90?
    NLAW - replacement for Eryx
    Bakhtar Shikan - for Mech support companies
    Metis-M - 7th Brigade motorized infantry support companies (not seen for at least a year)
    Ingwe - Gempita armoured cavalry

    For future ATGM (2021-2030), I would like to see the Metis-M and Bakhtar Shikan be replaced by the korean Lig Next1 Raybolt, which has a top attack capability.

    Photo of the new Raybolt twin launcher

    Recapitalisation of carl gustav would also be a good choice, going for the new lighter versions of the legendary carl gustav.

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