SHAH ALAM: Third AW139 HOM delivered. RMN has taken delivery of the third and final AW139 Maritime Operations Helicopter (MOH) from Galaxy Aerospace Malaysia Sdn Bhd at the Kota Kinabalu naval base today. The delivery of the third helicopter marked the culmination of the contract award to Galaxy Aerospace on September 11 2020.
Unlike the first two helicopters, M503-03, was delivered with a machine gun – which look like the FN Herstal M3M .50 calibre machine gun – as with the ones on the Super Lynx – fitted in the rear cabin, facing starboard. It is unclear whether the machine gun was acquired as part of the MOH procurement and their numbers as well. I assuming all three MOH could be fitted with the same mount and machinegun though it is likely only one will be fitted with the weapon to provide covering fire at any one time.

It must be noted that RMN Chief Admiral Reza Sany told reporters at the delivery ceremony that RMN wanted two more MOH and the matter will be forwarded to the Defence Ministry for further consideration. He also called on the new government to consider funding the LCS and LMS Batch II programmes. He also reiterated his call for the government to raise the defence budget to 1.5 per cent of the GDP. The proposed budget by the last government only allotted around 0.98 per cent of the budget for defence.

From RMN:
Kota Kinabalu, 26 Nov – Helikopter Operasi Maritim (HOM) Agusta Westland 139 dengan ‘callsign’ TANOM 3 kini sah menjadi aset terbaharu yang dioperasikan Skuadron 503. Majlis Penyerahan HOM ketiga ini telah berlangsung di Stesen Udara Kota Kinabalu, Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu hari ini.
Dalam majlis ini, Sijil Serah Terima HOM ketiga ini telah ditandatangani oleh Pengarah Urusan Syarikat Galaxy Aerospace Malaysia (GAM) Sdn Bhd iaitu Dato’ Shamsul Kamar bin Samsudin bersama Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany.
Penyerahan ini telah melengkapkan kontrak perolehan tiga buah helikopter AW139 yang dimeterai oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dan GAM pada 11 September 2020. Perolehan aset udara ini adalah bagi memenuhi keperluan semasa operasi udara TLDM selari dengan misi memperkasa pengawasan maritim Sabah dan Sarawak.
Terdahulu, dua buah HOM AW139 telah diterima pada April 2022 dan dioperasikan secara rasmi oleh Skuadron 503 mulai 1 Julai yang lalu manakala HOM AW139 ketiga selamat tiba di Kota Kinabalu pada 29 Oktober 2022 sebelum diserahkan secara rasmi hari ini.
Bagi mengiktiraf dan menghargai kepelbagaian etnik dan semangat kepahlawanan di Negeri di Bawah Bayu ini, ketiga-tiga HOM AW139 telah didaftarkn dengan menggunakan callsign atau nama panggilan ‘TANOM’ yang sinonim dengan pahlawan Murut iaitu Antanom. Malah, Skuadron 503 yang mengoperasikan HOM AW139 turut menggunakan cogan kata ‘Monoluku Momurias’ yang membawa maksud ‘Menjejak Menggempur’ dalam Bahasa Dusun.
Memandangkan kebanyakan aset TLDM masih dihimpit isu keusangan dengan kebanyakan kapal yang sudah berusia melebihi 30 tahun, perolehan HOM AW139 ini dianggap sebagai suatu langkah positif Kerajaan Malaysia bagi memenuhi keperluan operasi semasa TLDM.
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View Comments (12)
The aw-139 is a good utility choice flr the navy. But Nationwide we're stuck with 12 medium lift heli's. The aw139 does not have medium lift underslung capability. If finances is an issue shouldn't the gov look at the civil operators. I recall defunct MHS, Awan inspirasi having a few puma's, s-92's laying around.
Awan Inspirasi EC225 has been sold to USA, now doing vertrep with US Navy.
Sarawak Cable almost brand new never used EC225 sold last year to a singapore broker for a measly sum of USD10 million.
MHS EC225 should still be around, and why it is not just donated to RMAF is a big mystery.
Jatun - "The aw139 does not have medium lift underslung"
Yes but is this an actual requirement for the RMN? It wanted something with a better lift capacity compared to the Lynx and Fennec to carry internal loads of certain suze/weight and to ferry personnel; including PASKAL teams. The irony is that the RMN now has more rotary platforms than the RMAF.
For the army there is no doubt that the AW139 does not meet its requirements and that the only ones it plans on operating are the ones on lease; nothing beyond that.
Nothing beyond that at this moment in time.
Hard for the army to justify another platform when the other services & agencies standardized on the aw139.
zaft - ''Hard for the army to justify another platform''
If the army needs something with a certain lift capacity then the AW139 just won't do - period/full stop. Doesn't have to ''justify'' anything; just like contrary to a previous claim by your good self the RMN doesn't have to ''justify'' anything to seek funding...
At minimum the army needs something with the ability to move a whole section of men an to undersling a105mm whilst still having some range.
The RMAF only has AW139s on lease and the RMN did not need a platform of the same/weight category as the army and RMAF; thus the AW139s suits its requirements.
1.5 percent of GDP is fair enough for a maritime country like us.
If we buy maritime stuff, but what if they bought other things?
Before we go bought a Heli with a compulsory abilities to underslung a 105mm cannon.
It's better to ask if airlifting the 105mm cannon is still needed, heck even if the 105mm cannon as a whole is still relevant.
Anyway asset rationalisation means single models across the board to all sisters service to even internal security agencies just like the FIC & Hilux. Not every single agencies rationalize on different model.
Zaft '- "It’s better to ask if airlifting the 105mm cannon is still needed, heck even if the 105mm cannon as a whole is still relevant"
This is a question which has been discussed previously and I'd gladly go into it again if you need me to but the key fact remains that that the army has a requirement for a heli to undersling certain types of loads and the AW139 does not have the lift capacity - full stop/period. As such your question of "relevance" really becomes irrelevant Also, can a AW139 even carry a whole section of men and their gear?
Also, it's not "compulsory abilities" to sling "105mm cannons" but the requirement to sling "certain loads". Note too that there is a difference between howitzers and "cannons" - we don't have "cannons" per see.
We can debate the pros and cons of 105mm guns till next year but the army still has them and there are inherent advantages in being able to lift them even if it takes dozens of sorties to lift a single battery; plus crews and ammo: not to mention the need for ressuply.
Zaft - "Anyway asset rationalisatio means single models across the board to all sisters service"
"Anyway" commonality is desired but only if it nmeets requirements. No point having commonality for the sake of it if it does not meet requirements.....
105mm Howitzer I hear??
Thats the M version, a MOTS helicopter. It is unlikely that the leased AW139s will be fitted for such equipment.
Cheekuchai - ''105mm Howitzer I hear??''
You ''heard'' rightly but ignored or overlooked the key fact that even though a AW139 can under sling a 105mm gun; for how far? The requirement is for a platform to be able to lift certain loads over a certain distance....
A Kancil can theoretically tow a 120mm mortar but would you? A Wildcat can carry a pair of torps but it will have very limited endurance.....