SHAH ALAM: The Home Ministry has issued a tender for a three year supply of 15,900 sets of camouflage uniforms for the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA). Apart from the camos – combination of black, beige, light purple and blue – the tender also calls for the supply of the same number of dark grey t-shirts and caps which are used together as an ensemble.
Based on the number of uniforms and other items ordered, the agency has around 7,500 personnel in service though it must be noted that not all personnel will be issued with them.

Interestingly, the agency did not recognized the camouflage uniform on its website. MMEA estimates for the three items is RM6.1 million. The tender for the items was published on March 18 and closes on April 22.

The MMEA itself issued on March 15 issued a quotation notice for 73 sets of ACU camouflage uniforms for its Special Action And Rescue Team (STAR) operators. Another notice for 73 sets combat shirts and pants in multi-cam camouflage was also published on March 15. Both notices closes on March 22.

It is unclear why the STAR operators need two types of camouflage. The ACU camouflage uniform does not look at all like the MMEA camouflage uniform which they should be wearing really. Wearing the MMEA camo will allow to remain anonymous while on normal duties.
— Malaysian Defence
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If I’m not mistaken, in 2023 the new Ketua Pengarah Maritim state that MMEA’s target to have 10,000 personnel in services. His highlighted that there are about 5,000 position still need to be filled. So I believe right now MMEA has around 5,000 active personnel.
“MMEA camo will allow to remain anonymous”
Well its just like our various special forces with their various colourful berets and unique badges on their uniforms. Each one wants to show off that their special than the regular troops. So I guess having a different uniform is MMEA SF way to be different than their colleagues. MMEA STAR ACU does looks like it take the design from US Marine MARPAT desert camo.
I sincerely hope that the tender will be restricted to local products, to boost economy.
Qamarul – “I sincerely hope that the tender will be restricted to local products, to boost economy”
The problem is some of the local products including webbing leave a lot to be desired in terms of quality and durability. I collect webbing from various countries and am in a position to make compassions. Take the current army webbing; it’s made of a material which isn’t durable: unlike say the current British MTP webbing or the previous PLCE; made of “codura” a strengthened nylon which is hard to tear. Way tougher was the canvas webbing we had in the 80’s and up to the late 90’s. Made of canvas and indestructible but got heavy when wet. Based on the British 58 pattern.
On the PASKAL woodland pattern; the 1st batch was U.S. made; identical to that worn by U.S. troops. Subsequent batches were South Korean made; different cut/fit. Before the Chinese got into the game South Korean cloth was widely exported for use in uniforms