Tender for A Single Long Range Radar

SHAH ALAM: The Defence Ministry today has issued a request for bids for a single 3D long range surveillance radar for the Royal Malaysian Air Force. Only representatives from companies with the authorised letter from the original equipment manufacturers, system providers and integrators will be allowed to purchase the tender documents which will closed on August 30.

Lockheed Martin TPS-77 Air Surveillance Radar – Transportable version of the FPS-117, the radar can be configured for C-130, C-17, truck, rail or helicopter transport. Used for illustration only

From the ministry’s tender page:


Thales Raytheon GM 403 radar in service with RMAF. TUDM

Malaysian Defence readers will know that RMAF had been planning to buy the radar since 2019. The tender for the radar was supposed to move last year but Covid got in the way. Anyhow back in 2019 RMAF was already preparing for the radar.
A model of the Leonardo RAT 31 D/L air surveillance radar.

And last year we were also informed that the US was preparing to gift us long range radars. There is no new development on this front but it is likely by 2025 RMAF will be operating three new radars.
Martello S 743 air surveillance radar similar to ones still in service with RMAF. Internet

The advertisement for the tender of the new radar came as the country were still digesting the news that 16 China transport aircraft came just 60nm from flying into Sarawak airspace.
The radar track of the PLAAF aircraft intrusion on May 31, 2021. RMAF

The good news was that RMAF air defence radars in Sabah and Sarawak were instrumental in preparing the Hawk fighter jets to intercept and identify them.
Saab Giraffe 4A multi function radar. Saab

Hopefully this time around the tender will move ahead and a worthy bidder is selected.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (21)

  • Political turmoil, lockdown, malaysia soft policy on China, lack of military jets and no air defence platforms led to China not worrying to go on an intrusion on our space. I thought the goverment would at least respond by calling the cabinet to discuss for the purchase of at least a squadron of LCA. How'd they decide to purchase a single unit of radar. Its not even as a response to China it was an old requirement. Damn we are broke

  • Again going through agents?. We should buy not just 1 but a few more for redundancy n beyter coverage.
    The recent Chinese intrusion had proven the need for long range coverage is critical

    No it will be direct from OEM if they have people here or their representatives if dont have. Only a few OEMs can afford to have permenant representatives here, like Saab, Leonardo and BAE Systems

  • I see so we will possibly get two new long range radar? One from msi initiative and one from this tender? Noice..Put one on west malaysia and one on east malaysia and we pretty much good to go..radar part that is

  • Lee - “We should buy not just 1 but a few more for redundancy n beyter coverage.”

    - It’s not as if it will be the only RMAF radar operated
    - Like everywhere else coverage is also provided by civil ATC radars
    - Budgetary allocation has only been provided for a single radar

  • GBAD radar especially long range ones should be coupled with suitable long range interceptors too. No point if you can see somone encroaching your boundaries but you are not able to stop them from encroaching.
    We need more of the Super Hornet likes, the MRCA with range and power projection.
    Kemon Malaysia, you can do it, be better or at least on par with your potential adversaries, whether or not they are your friends or foes at the moment.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  • How many radars will we be getting from Uncle Sam? Why not Malaysia procure same ones from US for the sake of commonity and relationship?

    I was told it would be two. No idea on the reason

  • Pidot - “Political turmoil, lockdown, malaysia soft policy on China, lack of military jets and no air defence platforms led to China not worrying to go on an intrusion on our space”

    Not really. They have their own reasons. Bear in mind that PLAAF planes have also entered the skies over the EEZ of countries countries with stronger AD defences during periods before Covid when there was no lockdown or political turmoil.

    We can have a chain of a dozen primary surveillance radars in East Malaysia; backed by a couple OTOH ones and 3 squadrons of fighters; if they want to come close to entering our airspace; they will, like with the likes of Japan and South Korea.

    Pidot - “I thought the goverment would at least respond by calling the cabinet to discuss”

    For what exactly? The LCA purchase has been approved and a tender will soon be issued. What the RMAF should be doing is milking the incident for al it’s worth to speed up funding for other programmes which have been approved in principle but for which actual funding has yet to be granted.

    Pidot - “not even as a response to China it was an old requirement”

    Doesn't have to be. A lot of our purchases are capability; not threat driven.

  • With the Pandemic still around. I not sure how we going to get a brand new LCA. This single Radar should be doable and hopefully uncle SAM do not forget the FOC radar. Let's dun talk about $ first, by psychology if we go for LCA during Pandemic, rakyat will bising some MBs will bising also...

    Based on Utusan news (https://www.utusan.com.my/gaya/2021/04/tldm-ke-arah-pemerkasaan-armada-negara/)

    "Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd. Reza Mohd. Sany berkata, bagi tempoh 10 hingga 15 tahun akan datang TLDM telah merangka pelan pembangunan peningkatan keupayaan pertahanan perkhidmatan itu.

    Katanya, antara aset utama yang akan diberi fokus termasuk 14 kapal jenis Littoral Mission Ship (LMS), tiga kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS), 11 kapal New Generation Patrol Vessel (NGPV) dan dua kapal selam.

    “Selain itu, TLDM juga merancang memperolehi beberapa buah aset pelengkap atau force multiplier seperti Bot Tempur Laju (FCB), Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) dan juga helikopter anti kapal selam."

    11 NGPV? not 12? Is it because SGPV extra payment issue and reduce it to 11?

    You better asked Utusan about this
