
Tender for Maintenance, Spares for MD530G Armament System

SHAH ALAM: A few months back I wrote about the industry preparing for a tender for the maintenance, repair, and…

Integrated Mast on PCU Maharaja Lela Installed

SHAH ALAM: It appears that Lumut Naval Shipyard (Lunas) has installed the integrated mast on the first LCS, PCU Maharaja…

New Tender for NVGs

SHAH ALAM: In a previous post, Malaysian Defence wrote that the tender for 18 NVGs for use in northern Semenanjung,…

DSA 2024: Its Ada class, the Malaysian variant, Updated

SHAH ALAM: IT appears that the RMN LMS Batch 2, the Ada class, will be a Malaysian variant after all.…

Pendekar SLEP Still Up In the Air

SHAH ALAM: The Army is still in the planning phase on the service life extension programme (SLEP) on the Pendekar…

E Bikes for the Army

SHAH ALAM: The Ordnance Department have issued three separate quotation notices for the supply of 15 e-bikes or 45 in…

LCS, LMS Batch 2 and Radome

SHAH ALAM: The Dewan Rakyat in its sitting on November 23 passed the Defence Ministry budget for 2024 which is…

More Stuff Delivered for The Army, October 2023

SHAH ALAM: Back in June, General Hafizuddeain Jantan, was the deputy Army chief who witnessed the delivery of various equipment,…

Thales Ground Master 400 Alpha

SHAH ALAM: IT appears that the single long range air surveillance radar which LOI was announced at LIMA 2023 is…

LIMA 2023 Contracts, Army

SHAH ALAM: IN the earlier article on the contracts signing ceremony at LIMA 2023, Malaysian Defence reported that 43 contracts,…