Defence Contract

RMN No 2 Uniform Tender Result

SHAH ALAM: The Finance Ministry has issued the Letter of Award of RM19,636,609.20 to Persada Klasik Sdn Bhd for a tender to measure, sew, supply, and delivery of No 2 Alfa (working uniforms) for the RMN for a period of three years. The publication of the award was made on […]

Leasing Contract

Its Leased Utility Helicopters for the Army

SHAH ALAM: It appears that the Army will be getting leased utility helicopters – eight of them – four within the next 12 months or so and the other four in 2027. Army chief General TS Hafizuddeain Jantan speaking to the media after attending the service’s 92nd anniversary parade explained […]

Defence Contract

Leather Combat Boots for Tender

SHAH ALAM: The procurement division of the Defence Ministry has issued a tender for the delivery and supply of 227,271 combat boots, all-leather for a three-year period. The estimated cost for the combat boots is RM50 million which means each pair will cost some RM219.98. Pretty cheap considering that the […]

Defence Contract

Army Firearms Contracts. Updated

SHAH ALAM: In September, last year, the Procurement Division of the Defence Ministry published a slew of tenders for the Army. The Army wants more 9mm pistols, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, mortars (complete set), anti-materiel rifles , 9mm ball ammo, and automatic grenade launchers. From the previous post: […]

Defence Contract

Another Vehicle Champion in the Making?

SHAH ALAM: Back in January 2021, Malaysian Defence wrote about the rise of another vehicle manufacturer – Cendana Auto Sdn Bhd – following the award of contracts to supply various vehicles to the Army. Cendana Auto was to become the third vehicle champion after Deftech and Global Komited Sdn Bhd […]

Malaysian Armed Forces

23rd PAT/CDF Appointed

SHAH ALAM: AS reported a few days ago, General Nizam Jaafar,59, was appointed as the 23rd Panglima Angkatan Tentera/Chief of Defence Forces today. Nizam who was the Malaysian Armed Forces Headquarters Assistant Chief of Staff Personnel Services was also promoted as a four-star general prior to his ascension as the […]

Defence Contract

Hovercraft Contract Awarded

SHAH ALAM: Back in October 2023, PMX when announcing the budget stated that the Army was getting hovercraft fast interceptors, among other things. In July last year, we know that six hovercraft fast interceptors were being sought in a tender. The tender: MEMBEKAL, MENGHANTAR, MENGUJI DAN MENTAULIAH 6 BUAH HOVERCRAFT […]

Malaysian Army

Portable Multifunctional Ladders Out in the Field

SHAH ALAM: As other services celebrated winning gold and silver medals for innovative products, the Army’s Eight Brigade’ quietly fielded the Portable Multifunctional Ladders (PML) during its flood relief operations. The PML developed by 7 RAJD Innovative and Creative Group were handed over to units under Eight Brigade – covering […]