Defence Contract

The Goose Or Not The Goose

SHAH ALAM: The Goose or not the goose. The Army has a requirement for 110 units of 84mm recoilless anti-tank weapon for its combat units, according to an advertisement published by the Defence Ministry on May 25. The tender will be closing on 17 June. Although the specifications basically says […]

Defence Contract

More GlobalEyes For UAE

SHAH ALAM: UAE has signed the contract for the purchase of two more Saab GlobalEye airborne surveillance system. Saab on Jan. 4 announced the signing of the contract, an amendment to the contract signed with UAE in 2015. With the confirmation of the contract, UAE will be getting five GlobalEyes […]

Defence Contract

Saab Delivers Second GlobalEye

SHAH ALAM: Saab today announced that it had delivered the second GlobalEye Swing Role Surveillance System to the United Arab Emirates. This follows Saab’s delivery of the first GlobalEye aircraft in April 2020 to the United Arab Emirates, which has ordered three GlobalEye aircraft. The initial contract was signed in […]

Defence Contract

New Contract For Saab 2000 Erieye AEWC

SHAH ALAM: New contract for Saab 2000 AEWC. Saab on May 18 announced a new contract for Saab 2000 Erieye Airborne Early Warning and Control AEWC. It did not identify the customer for the contract which is worth some US$160 million or around RM697 million. As per Saab press release. […]

Defence Contract

Third Time Lucky

SHAH ALAM: Third time lucky. It appears that the Defence Ministry is looking to find another multi-modal transport operator (MTO) to ship the Saab NLAW anti-tank weapon from Sweden. This is based on a request for bid for the MTO for the service published on the Finance Ministry eperolehan website […]

Defence Contract

Preparing For The New Radar

SHAH ALAM: Preparing for the new radar. It appears that RMAF is preparing the ground work for the site of the new air surveillance radar which had been funded. RMAF Air Operations Commander Lt. Gen Abdul Mutalib Abd Wahab visited the proposed site of the new radar in Sarawak on […]

Defence Contract

On The Way, NLAW

SHAH ALAM: On the way, NLAW. In June, last year, I reported that Malaysia may well have purchased the Saab NLAW (Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) based on a tender for a multi modal transport operator to ship the weapons back here. Although, a winning bidder for the tender was […]

Malaysia - RMAF

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

SHAH ALAM: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Apart from the RFIs for LCA, MPA and UAV, RMAF had also issued request for information for long range, air surveillance radars ahead of LIMA 19. Three OEMs namely Leonardo, Saab and BAE Systems had confirmed receiving the RFI for the air surveillance […]

Malaysian Army

Frowning All The Time

SHAH ALAM: Frowning All The Time. The press release,below, from Saab is one those things which at the same time interesting but also infuriating. Interesting as its about new mortar rounds but infuriating as Saab refused to name the customer. What does it go to do with Malaysia then? I […]