Pitch Black

Hornets Taking Part in Pitch Black 2024

SHAH ALAM: RMAF is sending an unknown number of its F/A-18D Hornets to Australia next month to take part in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Pitch Black 2024 (PB) exercise next month. Checks with RAAF PB website showed that the RMAF contingent will be part of the twenty-one strong […]

Defence Contract

The Joneses…Oz Buying New 20 Hercules Js

SHAH ALAM: Australia is replacing its existing fleet of RAAF Hercules C-130J airlifters with the purchase of newer aircraft at a cost AUD$9.8 billion (US$6.6 billion/RM30 billion), the government announced on July 24. Deliveries of the new aircraft will start in 2027. RAAF currently operates 12 C-130Js which were delivered […]


Ex Elangaroo 2022 Ends

SHAH ALAM: Exercise Elangaroo 2022 – the air to air interaction exercise – between the RMAF and RAAF ends today at the Butterworth airbase. The exercise started on November 7. Release from RAAF on the exercise, published on November 7. Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) personnel and aircraft have deployed […]

Eks Elangaroo

Oz F-35s In Butterworth

SHAH ALAM: Oz F-35s in Butterworth. Three days after six F-35As landed at Butterworth airbase, RMAF officially announced their arrival. The six stealth fighters are here to take part in a bilateral exercise with RMAF, Eks Elangaroo 22. A ceremony was held on November 2 to receive the Australian contingent […]

Defence Contract

Oz to Redevelop RMAF Butterworth

SHAH ALAM: Oz to redevelop RMAF Butterworth. Australia is planning to redevelop RMAF Butterworth airbase in Penang under an AUS$60 million to AUS$70 million budget. (RM218 million using the higher amount) Australian Defence Magazine on August 25 reported on the Invitation to Register Notice which was published on the Australian […]


RMAF Back Hosting Exercises Again

SHAH ALAM: Due to the pandemic, RMAF and the rest of the Malaysian Armed Forces have had to defer or outright cancelled various exercises involving foreign partners and local ones. But with the relaxation of travel restrictions due to the increasing lower infections, exercises carried out locally has returned with […]

Malaysia -Armed Forces

Operation Gateway Commemorated

SHAH ALAM: The RAAF deployment of maritime surveillance aircraft to Malaysia – Operation Gateway – was commemorated in a ceremony at the RMAF Butterworth airbase in Penang today. The 40th anniversary of the deployment was supposed to be held on May 21, 2021 but the pandemic got in the way. […]

Malaysian Defence

Typhoons Not In Bersama Gold 2021

SHAH ALAM: Typhoons not in Bersama Gold 2021. Due to Covid 9, RAF Typhoons are not taking part in the latest iteration of the FPDA exercise, Bersama Gold 2021, which was officially launched yesterday. And it is also unlikely the F-35Bs embarked on HMS Queen Elizabeth will also take part […]


Poseidon, Lightnings and Apaches Too?

SHAH A:Poseidon, Lightnings and Apaches too. A Defence Ministry official has called on Malaysia to buy similar platforms as operated by the other members of the Five Power Defence Agreement (FPDA) which include the UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Though the official – Ahmad Syah Ejaz Ismail – a […]