Defence Contract

Tender for Marine Interceptors Closed

SHAH ALAM: The tender for the Marine police interceptors closed on September 28 and 11 bidders have qualified for the initial review. As reported previously, the Home Ministry issued a tender for the supply of five fast patrol craft (FPC) for the Marine police. The tender was published on August […]


All Together Now

SHAH ALAM: PMX DS Anwar Ibrahim presented the 12 RMK Mid-year team review at the Parliament yesterday. Among others he announced that the government is committed to spending at least RM90 billion a year from 2023 until 2025 under 12MP. He also said that the government will fully spend the […]

Defence Contract

Tender For GOF APC Closes

SHAH ALAM: Back in June, Malaysian Defence posted on the tender for four armoured personnel carrier (APC) for the General Operations Force of the RMP/PDRM. The tender opened on June 16 and closed on July 26. The tender specifications called for an APC with a turbo-diesel engine with no less […]

Malaysia -police

Tender For GOF APC

SHAH ALAM: The Home Ministry has issued a tender for the supply and delivery of four armoured personnel carriers (APC) for the General Operation Force (GOF). The tender was published today June 16 and will closes on July 26. It must be noted that back in 2020 the then-IGP told […]

Defence Contract

Five Million 9mm Rounds Imported

SHAH ALAM: The police has imported some five million 9mm ball 115 grain rounds from Czech manufacturer, Sellier Bellot, based on a MTO tender published on the Eperolehan website in late February, this year. The MTO tender was awarded to MultiModal Freight Sdn Bhd for a Letter of Award of […]

Malaysian Defence

Marine Police Mothership Tender, UpDate

SHAH ALAM: Last October, Malaysian Defence posted on the Marine police mothership tender. The two 60-meter mothership cum transport and training vessel will be the biggest to be operated by the Marine police once they are in service. Malaysian Defence summary of the specification of the two vessels: Two aluminium […]

Home Ministry

End Of NTF

SHAH ALAM: End of NTF. The National Task Force (NTF) – the multi-government agency set up in 2020 to secure the borders of the country in response to the pandemic will officially stand down on December 31. A ceremony was held at Kementerian Pertahanan on December 28 to mark the […]

Defence Contract

Police Marine Motherships Out For Tender

SHAH ALAM: Police Marine motherships out for tender. In July, last year, Malaysian Defence reported that the Marine police was expecting a tender for the two 60-meter motherships to be published soon. Some 14 months later, a tender for such motherships had indeed been published in the Eperolehan website. Specifications […]