Mat Sabu

Paras To UAE For Joint ExerciseParas To UAE For Joint Exercise

Paras To UAE For Joint Exercise

SHAH ALAM: The Army is sending a company strong of paratroopers to the United Arab Emirates for a three-week long…

M109s and Other StuffM109s and Other Stuff

M109s and Other Stuff

KUALA LUMPUR: Defence journalist, Dzirhan Mahadzir has written a long thread on the 2019 cancellation of the M109SPH on his…

First LCS By 2025?First LCS By 2025?

First LCS By 2025?

SHAH ALAM: First LCS by 2025? In his wrap-up speech on the budget, Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein told Parliament…

Hishammudin Back at Jalan Padang TembakHishammudin Back at Jalan Padang Tembak

Hishammudin Back at Jalan Padang Tembak

SHAH ALAM: Prime Minister DS Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced his Cabinet this morning. With just 15 months before the next…

Who Will Be The New Defence MinisterWho Will Be The New Defence Minister

Who Will Be The New Defence Minister

SHAH ALAM: Who will be the new Defence Minister? I believed most of you are aware that PM8 is expected…

Show Me The Money, Part 2Show Me The Money, Part 2

Show Me The Money, Part 2

SHAH ALAM: Show me the money, part 2. Defence Minister DS Ismail Sabri has taken umbrage of his predecessor claims…

Condemned To Repeat ItCondemned To Repeat It

Condemned To Repeat It

SHAH ALAM: Condemned to repeat it. A check on Malaysian Defence's archives revealed that there are 116 posts regarding the…

Hardly Believe ItHardly Believe It

Hardly Believe It

SHAH ALAM: Hardly believe it. It appears that the government is warming up to the idea of getting the Hornets…

Light At The End Of ….Light At The End Of ….

Light At The End Of ….

SHAH ALAM: Light At The End Of...Despite the doom and gloom it appears that the government is willing to fund…

Minister Mat Sabu at Jalan Padang TembakMinister Mat Sabu at Jalan Padang Tembak

Minister Mat Sabu at Jalan Padang Tembak

SHAH ALAM: Kota Raja MP Mohamad Sabu better known as Mat Sabu came to the Defence Ministry at Jalan Padang…