LMS Batch II

Its the Ada Class, Sort OffIts the Ada Class, Sort Off

Its the Ada Class, Sort Off

SHAH ALAM: Back in March, Malaysian Defence reported that the government was mulling to purchase the LMS Batch II from…

The Joneses… SG New MRCVThe Joneses… SG New MRCV

The Joneses… SG New MRCV

SHAH ALAM: ST Engineering Marine Ltd is expected to deliver the first of six Multi-Role Combat Vessels (MRCV) to the…

Malaysia is a Maritime NationMalaysia is a Maritime Nation

Malaysia is a Maritime Nation

SHAH ALAM: According to the 2019 Defence White Paper, Malaysia is a maritime nation. But not according to the latest…

Fait AccompliFait Accompli

Fait Accompli

SHAH ALAM: Fait accompli. It appears that the LCS delivery deadline has slipped again, and it is likely that the…

Any Plan B For The RMN?Any Plan B For The RMN?

Any Plan B For The RMN?

SHAH ALAM: Any plan B for the RMN? So far we have been told that the LCS project revival will…

Show Me The MoneyShow Me The Money

Show Me The Money

SHAH ALAM: Show me the money. With the world economy teetering with recession (some say its already in recession) and…

Et Tu LMS Batch II Part IIEt Tu LMS Batch II Part II

Et Tu LMS Batch II Part II

SHAH ALAM: In the last post on the LMS Batch II I wrote about whether or not we can afford…

Et Tu LMS Batch II?Et Tu LMS Batch II?

Et Tu LMS Batch II?

SHAH ALAM: During DSA 2022, the Defence Minister announced that the government will fund the build of three Littoral Mission…

Ides of MarchIdes of March

Ides of March

SHAH ALAM: Ides of March. According to Wikipedia, The Ides of March is the 74th day in the Roman calendar,…