Defence Contract

More Machine Guns for RMN’s MOH

SHAH ALAM: The RMN’s Material Headquarters has issued three separate quotation notices for the supply and delivery of three 12.7mm heavy machine guns and three 7.62mm machine guns and their associated accessories. The notices were published today (February 10) and closes on February 24. The machine guns – heavy and […]

Defence Contract

Commando Mortar in the Wild

SHAH ALAM: Back in May 2023, Malaysian Defence wrote that a tender to ship fourty-seven 60mm mortars was published in Eperolehan. Six months later the Hirtenberger M6 Commando mortars were formally delivered to the Army. Some eight months later, we now know that one of the units which received the […]

Defence Contract

To The Spratlys…

SHAH ALAM: In the Approved Maintenance Organisation post, regular reader Tom Tom asked about the operational deployment of the Scan Eagle UAS by its operator Skuadron 601. As RMN had not announced publicly on the UAS deployment, I answered that I had no idea. As if to answer Tom Tom […]

Defence Contract

Performance Based Contract For MOH

SHAH ALAM: Performance based contract for RMN Maritime Operations Helicopter (MOH). The Defence Ministry a request for bids or tender for a performance-based contract (maintenance) for three AW139 MOH of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN). The RFB was issued on May 10 and closes on June 8, a period of […]


Second MOH in Peninsula

SHAH ALAM: The third AW139 Maritime Operations Helicopter (MOH) – tail number M503-3 – has undertaken the 2500km journey from Kota Kinabalu to Lumut, in time for the RMN’s 89th anniversary parade held at the Lumut naval base today. Tail number 1 flew to Lumut last January. Both helicopters were […]

Defence Contract

Combat Boats In Camo

SHAH ALAM: The RMN, it appears, has decided that its fast combat boat fleet will from now on be painted in a camouflage scheme. Two of the Combat Boat 90 HEX (CB90) which had undergone the refit and repowering programme, recently, has been in a green and grey camouflage scheme. […]


Extra Bumps On RMN Submarines

SHAH ALAM: It appears that both KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Abdul Razak , the two Perdana class submarines – were equipped with new equipment during their major refit a few years back. From the post on KD TAR refit: By all accounts – a refit or overhaul […]

Defence Contract

RESM For PV17 Squadron, Updated

SHAH ALAM: ECM for PV17 Squadron. It appears that the six ships of Patrol Vessel (PV) 17 Squadron will be getting a new Radar-Electronic Support Measures (RESM) equipment. PV17 Squadron is the formal name for the six-strong Kedah class ships, namely KD Kedah (171); KD Pahang (172); KD Perak (173); […]

Defence Contract

Tender To Maintain RMN’s AW139s

SHAH ALAM: Tender to maintain RMN AW139s. Back in April, Malaysian Defence posted about the contract for the three Leonardo AW139s Maritime Operations Helicopter (MOH/MUH) procured for the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN). Two of the helicopters are already operational while the third one is expected to be delivered next month […]