Defence Contract

GOF APC Winner Revealed

SHAH ALAM: Back in June, last year, Malaysian Defence wrote about the tender for four armoured personnel carriers (APC) for the General Operations Force or Pasukan Gerakan Am of the police. Among the specifications for the APC are: An APC with a turbo-diesel engine with no less than 4,500cc; with […]

Malaysia -police

Tender For GOF APC

SHAH ALAM: The Home Ministry has issued a tender for the supply and delivery of four armoured personnel carriers (APC) for the General Operation Force (GOF). The tender was published today June 16 and will closes on July 26. It must be noted that back in 2020 the then-IGP told […]


Armoured Vehicles For PDRM

SHAH ALAM: The PDRM has requested to the Home Ministry for the purchase of 18 armoured vehicles for its units operating in ESSCOM, the IGP was reported as saying. IGP Hamid Bador told the Kosmo newspaper that the application has been approved and the ministry was in the process of […]