Fast Combat Boats or FICs?Fast Combat Boats or FICs?

Fast Combat Boats or FICs?

SHAH ALAM: In his new year message to the service, RMN chief Admiral Reza Sany said that in 2020 the…

Gading Marine Wins Op Benteng FIC TenderGading Marine Wins Op Benteng FIC Tender

Gading Marine Wins Op Benteng FIC Tender

SHAH ALAM: Gading Marine Engineering Sdn Bhd has been awarded the contract to supply the RMN six FIC for Op…

Six FICs For Ops BentengSix FICs For Ops Benteng

Six FICs For Ops Benteng

SHAH ALAM: Six FICs for Ops Benteng. The Defence Ministry has issued a Request For Bids for the procurement of…

Re-Tender of the FIC?Re-Tender of the FIC?

Re-Tender of the FIC?

SHAH ALAM: Retender of the FDIC? In July last year, the Defence Ministry requested for bids for the procurement of…

More On The FICMore On The FIC

More On The FIC

SHAH ALAM: More on the FIC. Last week, French shipbuilder, CMN, delivered two out of 39 high speed interceptors build…

FIC and Maritime Helicopters TendersFIC and Maritime Helicopters Tenders

FIC and Maritime Helicopters Tenders

SHAH ALAM: FIC and Maritime Helicopters Tenders. The Defence Ministry has issued on July 19, open tenders for the purchase…