Malaysian Defence

More FFR Part 2

SHAH ALAM: Last year, Malaysian Defence posted a story on a tender for 153 Fitted For Radio (FFR) vehicles for the Army. The tender came some two years after the Army floated another tender for 40 FFR which was awarded to Cendana Auto Sdn Bhd in 2020. Cendana Auto was […]

Defence Contract

Trucks, FFR, LMG and Sniper Rifles For Army

SHAH ALAM: Trucks, FFR, LMG and Sniper Rifles for the Army. Back in early 2021, Malaysian Defence wrote on Cendana Auto getting the contract for the supply of 148 4X4 vehicles in four configurations for the Army. The four configurations are Fitted For Radio (FFR); Special Operations; Weapons Carrier and […]

Defence Contract

More FFR Vehicles For The Army

SHAH ALAM: More FFR vehicles for the Army. Last week, Malaysian Defence wrote about the end of the Land Rover Defenders in Army service and it appears that it may well be the same fate for the Weststar GK-M1 Fitted For Radio (FFR) vehicles. The GK-M1 FFR vehicles have only […]