Defence Contract

All Ahead, LCS

SHAH ALAM: All ahead, LCS. It appears that the RMN is preparing for the resumption of the LCS project. Yesterday, it announced First Admiral Franklin Jeyasekhar Joseff assumed command of the LCS project team from Captain Abdul Jamal Mohd Nasir. From RMN: Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Ketua Pengarah Projek Littoral […]

Defence Contract

BHIC, BNS and Directors Sued

SHAH ALAM: BHIC, BNS and directors sued. Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Bhd (BHIC) on October 4 announced to Bursa Malaysia that the company; subsidiary BHIC Defence Technologies Sdn Bh; its associate company, Boustead Naval Shipyard and two of its directors have been sued. The announcement: The Board of Directors (“Board”) […]

Defence Contract

All Is Well…Part…

SHAH ALAM: All is well. Senior Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein announced yesterday all is well with the LCS re-mobilisation programme. From Bernama: KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 — The six-month mobilisation phase of the Royal Malaysian Navy’s (RMN) Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) project which began in June has gone smoothly […]

Defence Contract

Fait Accompli

SHAH ALAM: Fait accompli. It appears that the LCS delivery deadline has slipped again, and it is likely that the first LCS – PCU Maharaja Lela – is only expected to be in service with the RMN in 2026. Of course, this was expected as the revised delivery deadline of […]

Defence Contract

Abandon Ship, Scrap the LCS Part III

SHAH ALAM: Abandon ship, scrap the LCS Part III. In the second part of these series, Malaysian Defence wrote that one of the reasons to scrap the project was the fact that Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) might have to take legal action against five companies involved in it. This was […]

Defence Contract

Abandon Ship, Scrap the LCS

SHAH ALAM: Abandon ship, scrap the LCS. The Special Investigation Committee on Public Governance, Procurement and Finance (JKSTUPKK) report on the LCS was declassified yesterday, following the recommendation of the Parliament’s Public Account Committee. Based on the report’s extensive financial details of Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS), I am of the […]

Malaysian Defence

Former BHIC MD Charged With CBT

SHAH ALAM: Former Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation (BHIC) and Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) managing director Tan Sri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor was charged with three counts of criminal breach of trust in connection with the LCS programme today. The 79-year-old was the 11th RMN chief. According to Bernama, the charges […]

Defence Contract

BNS Gets New Chief Executive

SHAH ALAM: With the LCS project set to resume later this year, Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Bhd (BHIC) has appointed a new chief executive to head its associate company, Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS). The new CEO is Azhar Jumaat, the current LCS project director whose new appointment became effective on […]

Auditor General Report

Cabinet Approved Resumption of LCS Project

SHAH ALAM: After waiting for some 29 months and three governments, the LCS project has finally been approved for resumption of work, Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday. In a release issued on April 21, Hishammuddin said the Cabinet at its meeting that day has approved the resumption of […]