Defence Contract

Commando Mortar in the Wild

SHAH ALAM: Back in May 2023, Malaysian Defence wrote that a tender to ship fourty-seven 60mm mortars was published in Eperolehan. Six months later the Hirtenberger M6 Commando mortars were formally delivered to the Army. Some eight months later, we now know that one of the units which received the […]


Eks Satria Gagah and Perkasa Ends…

SHAH ALAM: Eastern Field Command commander Lt Gen Mohd Sop Lepi officially closed Eks Satria Gagah and Satria Perkasa at a palm oil plantation inLundu, located some 80km by road from Kuching, the capital of Sarawak. Satria Perkasa is the field training exercise which is the culmination of the command […]