Small Arms Ammo for RMAF and Rela semi-automatic pistols

5.56mm Ball M193 rounds. Usually used with M16A1s Malaysian Defence picture.

SHAH ALAM: RMAF has issued a couple of quotation notices for the supply of 9mm, blank and live 5.56 ammo and smoke grenades. The ten-day notices will expire on. Meanwhile, the Volunteer Corps Department or better known by its Malay acronym – Rela – has issued a six-day QN for the supply of 15 9mm semi-automatic pistols.

Details for the small arms ammo are sparse but they are likely for use by various units under RMAF especially its special forces operator – Paskau – and air base protection – Handau – which are equipped with semi-automatic pistols (mostly Glocks nowdays), sub-machine guns (mostly MP-5s) and M4A1 assault rifles.

Nine-millimetre calibre ball ammunition. Malaysian Defence picture.

The 9mm ammo sought by RMAF is 200,000 and the indicative price is RM500,000. As for the blank 5.56mm ammo, the numbers are for 200,000 rounds. The indicative price is RM480,000. The live 5.56mm ammo being sought is 42,480 rounds with an indicative price of RM475,776.
RMAF personnel firing their pistols – Glock 19 – their annual shooting qualification. RMAF

For the smoke grenades, (yellow and mostly used by Paskau) 1,300 units are being sought with an indicative cost of RM494,000.
Note the yellow smoke as a Paskau personnel land successfully during a recent demonstration. RMAF.

As for the Rela pistols, the indicative price posted by the department is RM270,750. The cost of the pistols should be around RM16,245 to RM18,952 per pistol (10 per cent below the indicative cost or five percent above it).
CZ TS Racing Green sports pistol. Note the green duralamin grips. CZ.

The specifications for the pistols (partially, for full details go to Eperolehan):

Pistol hendaklah beroperasi pada
tindakan mundur dan dapat mengekstrak dan mengeluarkan
kelongsong kosong, reload dan re-cock sendiri selepas
setiap tembakan.
1.2 Semua komponen hendaklah boleh ditukar ganti tanpa
sebarang pelarasan.
1.3 Pistol hendaklah digunakan bersama kelopak dan
butang pelepas kelopak hendaklah jenis boleh laras.
1.4 Pengguna pistol hendaklah tidak terancam oleh
pelepasan kelongsong semasa menembak. (Corak
pelepasan kelongsong pada kedudukan Jam 1200 tidak
akan diterima).
1.5 Pistol hendaklah dipasang dengan tangkapan slide yang
memastikan slide kekal terbuka apabila peluru terakhir telah
ditembak, dengan itu memberi isyarat bahawa kelopak
adalah kosong.
2. Data Teknikal 2.1 Kaliber – 9x19mm
2.2 Berat pistol dengan kelopak kosong – 1,350g
2.3 Panjang Keseluruhan – 225mm
2.4 Tinggi Keseluruhan – 149mm
2.5 Lebar – 42mm
2.6 Panjang Barrel – 130mm
2.7 Kelopak ini hendaklah jenis yang kukuh dan kuat
dengan kapasiti 19 butir peluru.
2.8 Berat Tarikan Picu:- Aksi Tunggal: 8N
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3. Pembinaan 3.1 Pistol itu hendaklah direka dan dibina
dengan ketahanan terhadap hakisan dan kerosakan oleh
penggunaan yang kasar.
4. Kerangka 4.1 Kerangka hendaklah dihasilkan daripada
keluli berkualiti tinggi untuk bahagian luaran yang kukuh
untuk semua komponen pistol.
4.2 Grip hendaklah ringan, boleh ditukar ganti dan diperbuat
daripada duralumin atau setaraf.
4.3 Reka bentuk grip mestilah ergonomik, lebih mudah
untuk mencengkam dengan selamat dan lebih baik semasa
menembak dan mengurangkan terangkat.
4.4 Lower Receiver hendaklah berwarna gangsa.
5. Barrel 5.1 Barrel hendaklah jenis cold hammer forged
yang meningkatkan ketepatan dan hayat perkhidmatan
6. Slide 6.1 Slide hendaklah dihasilkan dari solid bar stock
yang menghilangkan sebarang kemungkinan kecacatan
6.2 Slide hendaklah menggabungkan mekanisme untuk
menunjukkan peluru di ruangan

DIG DS Ayob Khan firing what appears to be a CZ pistol at an IPSC shooting tournament hosted by the PDRM. PDRM.

A Google search showed that the pistol which nearly match the specification is the Czech-made CZ TS – which according to the manufacturer was designed for sports shooting. The TS pistol retail price in the US, is US$1699 or RM7438. As the Home Ministry agencies are now partial for IPSC sports shooting competition, it is likely that these pistols are meant for Rela’s shooting team. I stand to be corrected of course.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2364 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Since they are not putting up the specifications on the public portion of the page, I can put any 5.56mm ammo on the page.

  2. The average price for a 62grain M855 5.56mm bullet is around 0.55USD or RM2.50. So buying 43000 of such bullets will cost around RM108,000.00 excluding tax, import permits, shipping cost and etc. The indicative price is RM480,000.00+-. So all of the extra cost + company profit is will cost the about RM370,000.00+-? Yup im going into the ammo business 100%.

  3. Never knew RELA had personnel issued firearm. I know that they do go for firing training but more often you see them directing traffic at functions & kenduris & whatnot. Haha

    If its for sports competition as in last paragraph I guess it makes sense but again how competitive RELA members will be considering they dont do this role as their daily job.

  4. @Haz
    “tax, import permits, shipping cost and etc.”
    Those are expensive buy itself not to mention license to trade firearms/ammo is also not easy or cheap to obtain, all these overhead cost werent factored in yet. All these would about double the cost of goods. That would leave about 100% margin, which might seem a lot but you are not guaranteed when or if you will get the next business would could be years away so as a business sense its not sustainable.

  5. If the pistols are really for shooting competition, RELA will just looked around for IPSC shooters who are not affiliated with any agency and make them Rela kehormat so they can enter as their representatives. These are not the Rela members who direct traffic at mosques or kenduri kahwin.

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