Simulator Deal For FA-50M

A model of the RMAF FA-50M Block 20 at LIMA 2023. Note the Cobham refueling probe, Sniper targeting pod and precision guided weapons. Malaysian Defence picture

SHAH ALAM: Local simulation company Ikramatic Systems Sdn Bhd has signed the second phase agreement under the Industrial Collaboration Programme (ICP) with Korean Aerospace Industries to provide FA-50M simulators for RMAF.

The signing between Ikramatic and KAI was conducted in South Korea yesterday witnessed by Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin.

Ikramatic executive director Syed Mohamad Ikram was quoted by Bernama as saying under the agreement the two companies will develop and deliver two flight devices – the full flight simulator and the operational flight trainer. Ikramatic is the local developer of the PC-7 simulator and also the EW for the RMAF.

Khaled (centre) at the signing of the simulator ICP deal. DS Khaled Nordin.

Both devices are expected to be operational by 2026. The ICP is part of the procurement of the 18 FA-50Ms light combat trainer for the RMAF. This is the first ICP to be made public, so it is unclear whether the deal to develop a regional MRO for the FA-50s will be signed.

It must be noted that KAI provided a FA-50PH flight simulator facility to the Philippine Air Force in 2019 under a US$7.8 million contract (RM33 million).

Khaled inside a FA-50 cockpit when he visited the KAI factory yesterday.

It is likely that the FA-50 simulators will be based at the Kuantan airbase replacing the MB-339 simulator as the plan is to have the training squadron there. RMAF fast jet squadrons are all equipped with simulators which are maintained by different companies.

Meanwhile, Khaled said the first batch of FA-50s are expected to be delivered by 2026.

— Malaysian Defence

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