Second NGPC Operational

KM Sri Aman

SHAH ALAM: The second NGPC of the Malaysian Coast Guard (MMEA), KM Sri Aman has been put into service, yesterday (Dec. 4, 2017). Sri Aman is the second of six NGPC to enter service with MMEA. The first was KM Bagan Datuk.

KM Sri Aman


Kapal Ronda Generasi Baharu Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak, KM SRI AMAN telah dirasmikan pengoperasiannya oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Johari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, Ketua Menteri Sarawak pada pagi ini.

KM Sri Aman

Pada majlis tersebut, beliau telah dibawa untuk menaiki Kapal KM SRI AMAN bagi menyempurnakan upacara perasmian. Persembahan khas lintas hormat dan demonstrasi aset-aset Maritim Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak telah memeriahkan lagi majlis setelah YAB Ketua Menteri Sarawak menandatangani plak di kapal. YAB Ketua Menteri Sarawak juga telah dibawa dalam pelayaran ringkas di atas KM SRI AMAN bagi memperlihatkan kepada beliau bagaimana kapal tersebut dioperasikan.
Other MMEA boats displayed at the ceremony for KM Sri Aman

Di dalam ucapan perasmian beliau, YAB Ketua Menteri Sarawak telah menyatakan bahawa sekarang adalah masa yang tepat untuk penambahan aset baru di Negeri Sarawak memandangkan keluasan perairan Negeri Sarawak yang sebanyak 39% daripada keluasan perairan negara adalah cukup luas. Penambahan aset Maritim Malaysia ini dapat membantu melonjakkan pembangunan ekonomi Negeri Sarawak khususnya dari aspek keselamatan, pelancongan dan perikanan secara tidak langsung. Beliau turut menyatakan kesudian Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk mendahulukan dana bagi pembinaan kapal-kapal baru Maritim Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak melalui Bank Pembangunan Negeri Sarawak yang baru ditubuhkan jika perlu.

KM Bagan Datuk with a RMN CB90 at LIMA 17 opening ceremony.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2411 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Yup, Borneo Post put up an article dated Dec 4th, Swk CM officiated the launch. Unfortunately I can’t find any pictures that shown the numbers of the NGPC.

    BTW Sri Aman is a parliamentary seat, MP is Deputy Home Minister.

    Yes it’s the same like other APMM boats named after parliamentary seats1

  2. The next KM “parliamentary seat” can be Pulai, Kimanis or Kota Marudu. I bet it will be any names from Sabah assuming 4543 to be home port there, those in cabinet likely, ruled out opposition seats.

  3. the other MMEA boats

    3903 KM Cekal (lang kuik PZ4)
    3912 KM Bijak (harimau belian PZ6)
    2220 KM Siagut (ex PA)
    cannot see the number of the boat behind it…

  4. “Beliau turut menyatakan kesudian Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk mendahulukan dana bagi pembinaan kapal-kapal baru Maritim Malaysia Wilayah Sarawak melalui Bank Pembangunan Negeri Sarawak yang baru ditubuhkan jika perlu”

    Yup, you read that right. There is a dire need for more vessels to patrol Sarawak water and this should be a great opportunity for the MMEA brass to put their proposal. This is a cash rich state, and they will not be in a hurry to submit the invoices to Putrajaya. One thing for sure though, the priority for vessels are going to be for the states water.

  5. Sarawak has decent yet underrated shipbuilding industry. I hope if Sarawak is willing to lend the money to mmea, they should include building the vessel in Sarawak

  6. Fird:
    “Yup, you read that right. There is a dire need for more vessels to patrol Sarawak water and this should be a great opportunity for the MMEA brass to put their proposal. This is a cash rich state, and they will not be in a hurry to submit the invoices to Putrajaya. One thing for sure though, the priority for vessels are going to be for the states water”.

    Other states should follow suits as per Sarawak state government to finance the MMEA vessel.

    One state sponsor one vessel. Each vessel will be station within the state boundary.

    Perhaps we can see in the future KM Shah Alam, KM Bandar Hilir, KM Seremban and etc.

  7. AM

    “Lol did we just threaten to go to war with Israel?”

    Where did you get that? Im actually curious.

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