Second CN-235 in Bandung

SHAH ALAM: RMAF has sent the second CN-235 light transport aircraft to Bandung for the conversion process into a maritime patroller. The handing over ceremony was conducted on October 2 at the PTDI facility adjacent to the Husein Sastranegara International Airport in Bandung, the state owned manufacturer announced.

It stated that the first CN-235 were handed over to PTDI on September 8 while the third aircraft is scheduled to be delivered in Bandung on January, next year, the company stated. Unlike the first one RMAF did not issue a statement, AFAIK.

RMAF and PTDI personnel posed with M44-03. PTDI

The release stated that

“Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) konversi pesawat CN235-220 Military Transport menjadi CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). Sebanyak 3 unit dari 6 unit pesawat CN235-220 milik TUDM dikonversi menjadi pesawat patroli maritim.

RMAF CN-235 M44-03 at PTDI facility in Bandung. PTDI

Pesawat pertama CN235-220 telah tiba di fasilitas produksi PTDI pada tanggal 08 September 2020 dan hari ini dilakukan penandatanganan Berita Acara Serah Terima pesawat kedua CN235-220 yang juga akan menjalani konversi menjadi pesawat patroli maritim.

Sedangkan pesawat ketiga CN235-220 dijadwalkan akan tiba di PTDI pada Januari 2021.

RMAF CN-235 with another CN-235 in Bandung. PTDI

It is interesting to note that PTDI stated that the aircraft will be converted into a Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) even though the RMAF called it as a Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA). Not much
difference anyways right.

RMAF crew with PTDI test flight personnel posed with M44-05. RMAF

Anyhow it appears that the second aircraft to undergo the conversion is M44-03, the first aircraft being tail number M44-05. As for the third aircraft, your guess is as good as mine.

RMAF and PTDI personnel posed for a picture after the handing over of 05 for the conversion process in September. RMAF

As in the other news, it is interesting to note that the RFB on the 4X4 APC for the UNIFIL mission was published on the same day (1 Oct ) that the first group of peacekepeers from Malbatt 850-8 left for Lebanon from Subang. The first batch of the previous group arrived on 2 October also at Subang.

A 20mm turret Condor with the other Condors undergoing inspection by the UN recently. Joint Force photo.

If the RFB for the APC goes well, the Malbatt 850-8 will be the first user of the new 4X4 to replace the Condors as I was told that the delivery of the first batch (10 vehicles out of 20) is supposed to take place within six months of the contract signing. That said with our luck, it will be Malbatt 850-9 or the next one.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

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