Scorpions To Be Retired

Scorpions To Be Retired

SHAH ALAM: Scorpions to be retired. The Army has recommended that it’s fleet of Scorpion light tanks be retired due to the high cost of maintenance and obsolescence issues. Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong told Parliament today (Dec. 18, 2018) that none of the Scorpions are no longer operational. The recommendation to retire the Scorpions was made after the Army conducted a study on its armoured vehicles requirements for the long term. The Scorpions it seemed are not compatible with the Army’s plans, directions and further more being costly to maintain.

An export Scorpion fitted with a 90mm gun, a co-axial 7.62mmmachine gun and roof mounted 50 caliber turret gun. KAD Scorpions are normally fitted with roof mounted 7.62mm gun. BAE Systems via Janes turret gun.

He said the Scorpion fleet entered service in 1981 and were placed in service with the Armoured Squadron of the 10th Para Brigade. The fleet had undergone a Service Life Extension Programme (SLEP) and upgrades from 2007 to 2011 and the Army decided to continue the service of the vehicle until 2018.
Liew said none of the Scorpions are currently operational and the Army had decided to declare the vehicle obsolete. The ministry is expected to declare the status of the fleet next year.
Malaysian Defence had previously reported that the planned upgrades of the Scorpion and Condor were on a short leash and under review. Without the planned upgrades both vehicles would be facing obsolescence in the near future.

KAD Scorpion and Sibmas in action at the Army Firepower Demonstration last year.

There was no word on the Condor upgrade however. It is likely the Army is continuing to see whether it is cheaper to upgrade them or retire them.

The prototype Scorpion upgrade.

The plans to upgrade the Condor and Scorpions were first revealed in 2014. The Condor project appeared to be the one that will be given the green light, more of these vehicles remained in service compared to the Scorpion. It must be recalled that only 26 Scorpions were bought together with 25 Stormer APC.

The prototype Scorpion upgrade with the 20mm Oerlikon, fitted for the display.

The Scorpion were in service with the Armour Squadron with the 10th Para Brigade, though I am not sure of the numbers. It is likely that the Stormers are also no longer operational.

*updated with more information from the Hansard, Dec. 18, 2018.

-Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (45)

  • Marhalim, this post, I found it with google search but it's not on your page when i go to the home page. Funny.


  • Yes, IMO that is the right thing to do.

    The best replacement for the Scorpoins is IMO the ZBD-03, which is a radical choice I understand, but the best compromise for the 10 PARA rapid deployment role.

    The ZBD-03 while looks like bigger IFV, it is actually quite small and weighs around the same as scorpion (7000kg) and with amphibious capability. It can be dropped from airplane without pallet (it has its unique designed airbags underneath it for cushioning the drop). It can replace both scorpion and stormer (stormer weighs like 10000kg) and would be ideal as recce and fire support (30mm gun in 1 man turret) vehicle. I am thinking for the 10 Bde Para to consolidate its vehicles to just the DAGOR and ZBD-03 for its parachute capable force, replacing the various g-wagons, land rovers, scorpions, stormers. Probably the only legacy vehicles to be kept is the vamtacs for the howitzers and supacats for logistics, others to be given to other army units.
    Size compared to a russian soldier
    Ground mode. 3 crew and 4 soldiers in the rear.
    Airdrop mode

    And it has been officially offered for export

    (copy and paste my comments from here )

  • Light tank is outdated. Modern IFV and AFV can do better than light tank. Although I will suggest TDM to replace it with medium tank but maybe TDM should wait for that untill AV8s are delivered.

  • @ romeo

    Well it depends. The scorpion is actually designed as a recce or scout vehicle to replace the ferret.

    Right now it is used in the army as a supporting armor for the rapid deployment parachute brigade.

    For mechanized formations, they have the gempita and adnan, and that should not be a factor in replacing the scorpion if it is to be done. Instead the requirement should be tailored to the parachute brigades needs and limitations.

  • No light tanks are certainly not “outdated” if they were armies wouldn’t have them. Depends entirely on operational needs. Some armies want light tanks to deployed by air it to operate in places where there is a poor road infrastructure; in scenarios where enemy MBTs will not be present.

    On the Scorpions, what they are replaced with depends not just on funds but on the roles the army foresees 10 Para playing. Some armies have need for a AFV to be airdropped but some don’t. Some armies see a need for a vehicle to be deployed by air. Most done. A small agile vehicle that can be air dropped has merits but does it fit in with the user’s doctrine? One can also have a slightly larger vehicle that is better protected and has more internal space: which can’t be airdropped but can be lifted by air.

    In 10 Para’s context, will an AFV be used in the armed recce role? Or is it intended as a fire support platform whilst also providing some elements of the unit with a means of transport? Depends on various factors for which only the army has the answers.

    Upgrading the Scorpions made sense as they still have lots of life left but obviously the army feels that cash for an upgrade can be put to better use and than even after ab upgrade; the Scorpions still cant do what the army needs

  • I suggest The Army should have Concedred with MMWT or CV90105 Light Tank as a Replacement to FV101.

    Just with my 20 cent.

  • As a commando type unit VAT69 has no need for an armoured vehicle. Yes other units of the police have a need to replace their V-150s and Saxons but with a wheeled platform that can carry people not a tracked platform that has zero space for passengers.

    Also, if the army finds the Scorpions to be maintenance intensive due to age, why would the police want to be burdened with them?

  • Coming after the announcement that the Scorpion would be upgraded and the former army Chief speaking of “correcting past mistakes” (in reference to the Cockerill which made the vehicle slow and overweight); we can safely assume that the latest decision to retire the type is based on present financial constraints and that if funds were not so tight, the army would upgrade the type and operate it for a few more years. Most obsolescent issues as well as issues that lead to maintenance headaches on account of age, can be rectified by an upgrade. Jordan”s King Abdullah Design Bureau cane up with an innovative upgrade a few years ago.
