RMN Approved Locally Made Marine Paint

KD Terengganu 174, KM Amanah 3906 and KD Gempita taking part in Ex Samudera Perkasa Barat 6/2023. APMM picture

SHAH ALAM: The RMN has approved the use of a locally made marine paint for use on its ships and platforms, the first government agency to do so. RMN chief engineer Rear Admiral Mohd Shaiful Adli Chung Abdullah in a social media post stated that the approval was given following tests on selected platforms.

He did not name the marine paint but pictures from the post, the product is manufactured by Kossan Paint (M) Sdn Bhd. The company plant is located in Jalan Kapar, Klang. The RMN release:

RMN and Kossan Paint personnel talking during the visit to the latter’s facility. RMN.

KLANG, 15 Feb – Kementerian Pertahanan melalui TLDM merupakan agensi Kerajaan pertama di negara ini yang meluluskan penggunaan cat marin buatan tempatan untuk aplikasi di kapal dan pelantar laut, setelah cat marin tersebut lulus uji cuba serta ujian ketahanan di platform terpilih.
Inisiatif terbaru ini adalah selaras dengan Pekeliling Kerajaan (PK 1.4) iaitu Dasar Bahan, Penggunaan Barangan dan Perkhidmatan Tempatan. Selain itu, inisiatif tersebut juga adalah salah satu langkah menyahut arahan belanja berhemah di Pekeliling Perbendaharaan (PB 3.1) – Garis Panduan Penjimatan Perbelanjaan Awam. Hasilnya, sejumlah RM6 juta dijangka dapat dijimatkan dalam tempoh 3 tahun akan datang.
Dalam usaha merealisasikan inisiatif mengguna cat marin buatan tempatan secara mampan dan berkesan, Ketua Jurutera TLDM (RMN Chief Engineer) bersama delegasi hari ini melaksanakan lawatan kerja di premis OEM berkaitan. Lawatan kerja ini adalah manifestasi bahawa pihak TLDM serius untuk memperkasa penggunaan produk buatan tempatan, khususnya Indigenous Product (IndP) untuk digunapakai di Armada TLDM.
Delegasi TLDM mendapati IndP yang telah diluluskan penggunaannya berpotensi berkembang maju, selain mampu mendokong pembangunan negara (nation building). Lebih membanggakan, IndP tersebut telah berjaya menembusi pasaran antarabangsa, khususnya dalam industri marin di benua Eropah, Amerika Latin, Timur Tengah dan Asia.
Tahniah diucapkan kepada Navy People dan mereka yang terlibat untuk memacu penggunaan produk tempatan secara konsisten dan tabah. Semoga inisiatif ini menjadi inspirasi kepada warga Navy People untuk terus berusaha ke arah self-reliance dan penjimatan.
Sumber: Markas Tentera Laut, Bahagian Kejuruteraan, RMN Chief Engineer Office
Artikel: Laksamana Muda Dato’ Ir. Ts. Mohd Shaiful Adli Chung bin Abdullah
Foto: Lt Dya Muhammad Ikmal bin Mohd Saed TLDM

From Kossan website:

Marine coating paint is a type of protective coating that commonly used in the marine environment to protect the ships, tankers, vessels and other materials from freshwater or saline water. This is because the pitting corrosion and bacterial corrosion are most likely to happen in a marine environment. Thus, the marine paint has specific functional properties that provide superior protection against the saltwater, freshwater or rain to the surfaces to which it is applied. The coating would serve as a protection for submerged materials as well as ships, vessels or yachts from the marine corrosion. Besides, marine coated surfaces are easily cleanable.

It must be noted that since marine paint are procured by RMN through request for bids, it will be up to the companies approved to offer such products to source the paint from Kossan Paint. The approval of course will allow them to do so. It is interesting to note that marine paint is among the items duly selected by RMN for its ships and platforms (government furnished equipment) even during a refit and other works done by shipyards. The other items are engines, generators, gearboxes, controllable pitch propellors and guns.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (3)

  • Good to see proper localisation using locally sourced materials. Will now give that paint brand a try. If it is good enough for TLDM, it should be good enough for my use.

  • "it will be up to the companies approved to offer such products"
    So the question is why not Kossan themselves bid too.

  • The first locally produced paint approved for use by the armed services is the IR resistant paint used by the army. Prior to that the army used a paint from Belgium. This company - one of the real local success stories - has also sold the paint to a number of NATO and ASEAN countries and remains largely unknown; won’t see it at DSA or LIMA. The owner/inventor told me of his time in Brazil when he got the ASTROS painted there prior to delivery. He said working with the Brazilians was a challenge because they’re really laid back.
