Rencong Delivered

LMS Rencong. after her naming and delivery ceremony. RMN

SHAH ALAM: Rencong delivered. The RMN has taken delivery of LMS Rencong – the fourth Keris-class and the last – ship today at the Wuchuan Shipyard at Nantong City in China. The delivery and naming ceremony of Rencong – pennant number 114 – was done by the ship’s sponsor, Puan Sutinah Mohamad, the wife of the LMS Project team head.

The ship is named after a Kris class ship which was decommissioned in 2005. As her other sister ships, the China-made vessel she was named after a traditional hand weapon, Rencong. According to a release by RMN, work on the Rencong started on 18 September 2019, and she was launched on 16 December, 2020. It is likely like her sister ships, Rencong, her build and sea trials were delayed by the pandemic.

A group photo of the delivery and naming ceremony of Rencong. RMN

Rencong will joined her sister ships in the Skuadron 11 LMS at their base at the Kota Kinabalu Naval base in Teluk Sepanggar, Sabah.
KD Sundang about to berth at the KD Sultan Ismail jetty at Tanjung Pengelih, Johor on August 19, 2021. KD SI picture

The other three ships are KD Keris, KD Sundang and KD Badik. Keris was commissioned into service on January 17, 2020; Sundang on March 5, 2021 and Badik on October 22.
KD Badik getting close to the Kota Kinabalu naval base on September 25. RMN

RMN release did not mentioned when she was expected to arrive in Kota Kinabalu, however. As she is already named and barring weather issues, it is likely she will arrived at the naval base after Christmas.
KD Keris. Malaysian Defence

With her crew needing to quarantine for at least 10 days, her commissioning might well take place on the second week of January 2022. Hopefully the health situation is benign enough for me to go to Kota Kinabalu for her commissioning which I had promised to do after I attended tended the commissioning of the first vessel in 2020.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (22)

  • We should order another 4 from the same shipyard but with better sensors and weapon suite. Chances are we could get it even before 2024 hahahs

    • Ah I read that wrongly, the first time around. It was cancelled. They instead bought new rounds of METIS-M

  • With Omicron now spreading like the next wave, they should take extra caution and quarantine on the boat for at least 20 days.

  • Lee - ''to uparm these 4 ships''

    The issue is if we fit Chinese weapons we add to our support/logistics footprint.
    If we add Western stuff to a ship already fitted with various Chinse stuff it will be a major headache.

    Important to note that as far as the RMN is concerned these 4 will be utilised for peacetime EEZ enforcement [the MMEA isn't ready yet]. The more serious stuff will be the job of the next Batch of LMSs which the RMN is determined to get fully fitted with. Funds are tight and is precisely why for the RMN; arming the Kedahs is not seen as a good way to use funds in the short term.

  • Noice..but need to order that s&r radio to replace oem radio right..any chances lms batch 2 project starting in the immediate future? And that kedah upgrade/mlu/slep?