Refit For KD Terengganu

KD Terengganu firing its 76 mm main gun. KD Terengganu.

SHAH ALAM: Refit for KD Terengganu. KD Terengganu, the fourth ship in the Kedah class is expected to undergo a refit at the Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) in Lumut, later this year. Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation on June 20 announced to Bursa Saham that BNS, its associate company had accepted a letter of award from the Defence Ministry for the refit of the ship with a contract value RM96 million.

A jack stay demonstration from KD Terengganu and KD Pahang at the KK Naval Base on May 28, during the 85th anniversary open day. KD Terengganu.

The announcement.

The Company wishes to announce that on 20 June 2019, its associate company Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS), had accepted a letter dated 14 June 2019 from the Ministry of Defence Malaysia representing the Government of Malaysia, awarding BNS a contract for the Refit works on KD TERENGGANU (the Contract) at a contract value of RM95,990,015.07. A formal contract between the Government of Malaysia and BNS will be signed at a later date.

Two Kedah class, KD Kelantan (175) and KD Selangor (176) berthed at Lumut jetty in early 2014. The ship on the other side is KD Mahawangsa. Malaysian Defence

It is unclear when Terengganu will undergo the refit as mentioned above the contract has yet to be signed. Terengganu currently based at Kuantan naval base will be involved in an exercise with her sister ship, KD Kelantan and other vessels in Ex KerisMas this week.

KD Terengganu firing its 76 mm main gun. KD Terengganu.

The last Kedah-class to undergo a refit was KD Perak, at the Shin Yang shipyard in Miri. I was informed that there are some concerns regarding the work done on Perak, however, as there is nothing official about it, I will not say anything further about it.

A combo of pictures of a RMN Fennec landing on KD Terengganu, last year. KD Terengganu.

Anyhow it is likely the Terengganu will be installed with the Gem Eletronicca EOFCS as previously reported. As I mentioned before RMN wanted to do an extensive upgrades for the Kedah-class but as money is tight, scheduled refits like this are the only ones they can afford.

KD Terengganu crest.

It must be noted that Boustead has not announced a new MD for BHIC. Meanwhile, the Edge has a report on the company today regarding the LCS. It is mostly about monetary claims it had been seeking from the government which the report said had been approved.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2409 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. CEO BHIC now is Ee Teck Chee. Good man. Have known him for more than 20 years oredi.

    Oops it should be MD

  2. Refits are a normal activity for ships to reapply the hull antifouling, general repairs and such. Other kedah class ships has been refitted before without fanfare by boustead and other shipyards, some in east malaysia.

    Funny that there are other defence blogs commenting on this refit and extrapolating the facts like it is a big news.

  3. From the edge report:

    ” The Edge understands that the variation order for KD Maharaja Lela includes a change in the missile system and its decoy launching system ”

    Interesting statement!

    So it should be about the MICA replacement with something we have not heard yet. Would it be the CAMM? Or even ESSM?

    No lah it was the change to MICA and Lacroix decoys

  4. @ marhalim

    This is a new variation order done in fourth quarter of 2018. We have decided on MICA way before that, so only change if decided in fourth quarter of 2018 is surely to replace the MICA, and the reason why no LOA for the MICA yet.

    From The Edge article:

    It is worth noting that BHIC was profitable for the first three quarters of FY2018 before it suffered heavy losses in the fourth quarter, which dragged its entire year into the red. The group attributed the losses primarily to impairments and provisions.

    “The group’s results were impacted by a negative contribution of RM53 million posted by associates in the defence and security division,” BHIC’s 2018 annual report said.

    “The loss was mainly attributed to the revision in costs of the LCS programme arising from variation orders and higher project finance cost,” it added.

    The Edge understands that the variation order for KD Maharaja Lela includes a change in the missile system and its decoy launching system.

    I have been told about the VO since 2016, its nothing new. And I have quoted the MD and RMN chief as saying that they have contracted for the MICA launchers, just late last year and at this LIMA I reported that they had stopped negotiations with MBDA due to the palm oil issue. Of course if you want to believe that this is about ESSM it’s up to you. The VO was about changing from Exocet to NSM, ESSM to MICA and the decoys from a British one to Lacroix.

  5. All ships routinely undergo refits but unfortunately can be delayed either due to funding or due to a ship’s operational commitments.

    Involves everything from hull preventive maintenance, to replacing time expired parts, to servicing the gearbox, to checking the circuitry, etc.

  6. Not to mention the guns needs overhaul too

    They don’t fire them too much even the M4s and GPMG for an overhaul. Though they need some TLC for being at sea

  7. The Kedahs are unusual in that they have HMGs and GPMGs. Most ships only have GPMGs. The Inderapura had HMGs but those came with the ship.

    Firing practice at sea takes place time to time at the discretion of the CO. There is always ammo kept aside for practice and ammo which is never touched.

  8. Sorry very very off topic

    An interesting development of the KIFV from the South Koreans.

    They have managed to develop a 120mm automatic reloading mortar to be lightweight enough to be fitted on a normal 5 road wheel KIFV! That is a superb engineering solution that no one so far can manage to do.

    From the picture above you can see it still have 5 roadwheels of a normal KIFV/M113

    Compare to the picture of the of our own Adnan 120mm. This had to be lengthened and modified by adding another one roadwheel, for a total of 6 roadwheels to accommodate the weight of the TDM 120mm mortar.×761.jpg

  9. … I remember the US bought a 82mm Vasilek “automatic” mortar and conducted trials with it mounted on the back of a HMMWV.

    Not as powerful per round so and I don’t know if the engineering was ever completely solved, but still a lot of highly mobile firepower.

    As for Korea, the plan is for mechanised units to get that mortar mounted on a KIFV, infantry units will have a 105mm howitzer mounted on a 6×6 5-ton truck.

  10. Saw few pics of Maharaja development status. It look pretty sad about the progress. Does it really bz of MICA delay n causing the work stop here? I had no idea. Is it our poor management causing this? I also no idea. Is it a good idea to build locally but will delay the delivery to RMN? I also no idea. I think our LMS did a right move, all build at China. They already have strong n good facility n good management n good experience to build a combat ship, while we only build when there is a need only. I think we no problem build APC but we might have problem building ship or planes in a large scale

    The delay is not due to the MICA

  11. There is going to be a chinese navy exercise in south china sea. The area is as the red box in the picture below. As seen in the picture, the exercise area is about 500nm from malaysian shores and no where near malaysian EEZ.

    Recently japanese izumo carrier and its escorts plus japan coast guard ships did an exercise in waters off brunei and labuan. American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is also in south china sea right now.

  12. @ michael

    We actually have more experience in building ships rather than building APCs.

    From the pictures, we did not know which ship is the picture is from. Is it the LCS1, LCS2, LCS3 or even LCS4? There is 4 ships being built at the same time right now in Lumut, I believe LCS1 has already been floated.

  13. Michael – “ think we no problem build APC but we might have problem building ship or planes in a large scale”

    You really think so? Building ships over 2000 odd tonnes – with all the internal fittings, external stuff, integration, certification, etc – is more challenging than doing the same with APCs/IFVs?

    Note that with Adnan and AV8 a lot of parts were sent from Turkey; unlike the LCS which from hull up has to be constructed here.

    Some of the parts of the LCS are also done by Naval Group to be welded together with the parts done here. I am not sure where the steel welded by Naval Group is sourced from though. Major steel for the LCS are cut in Holland though

  14. With the Kedahs the Naval Dockyard hired a couple of foreigners to assist with QC. This time around I wonder if BNS did the same.

    It’s also interesting to to speculate about the DC standards selected for the LCS and how it compares to the Lekius. No doubt the Gowind is French designed but a lot of the internal specs (whether DC standards or how the crew living areas are fitted out) are chosen by the client.

    Not seen the QC people but there are a number of Naval Group people at BNS whenever I went for events regarding LCS.

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