Radio Mods For Keris Class

Radio Mods For Keris Class

SHAH ALAM: Radio mods for Keris class. Barely two years into their service, RMN is seeking to modify the V/UHF radios on the two Keris class LMS, KD Keris and KD Sundang. The notice for quotation for the modifications, were published on the ePerolehan website on August 24 and closes on August 29.

Although the title of the NFQ is – PEMBAIKAN RADIO V/UHF KD KERIS. RUJUK DSAT/SH/SENG/21/52/ PEMBAIKAN RADIO V/UHF KD SUNDANG. RUJUK DSAT/SH/SENG/21/51 –, the publicly available specifications for both sounds pretty much like they are replacing the whatever China-made type V/UHF radios on the ships. Note that the first item on the specification list says “replace”.

KD Keris arriving at the Sepanggar naval base jetty for the welcoming ceremony

It will be odd to say the least if they have two sets of incompatible V/UHF radios on the ships.

A sailor on board KD Sundang with a pintle mount with a Vektor SS-77 machine gun during an exercise in March, 2021. RMN

The specifications of the NFQ (for KD Sundang but its the same for KD Keris)

Specification: Alat Induk : V/UHF RADIO Peralatan : V/UHF RADIO Lokasi :
1. Replace V/UHF Icom to V/UHF technical Radio compliance with RMN Specification as per Schedule Of Compliance (SOC).
2. The Radio must compliance to the SOC as Attachment A.
3. Contractor to rig all new cables as per Techincal Manual Wiring Schedule:
a) Antenna units to radio transciever unit. b) Radio transciever unit to remote
control unit. c) Main supply 110VAC/230VAC to the remote control unit. d) Supply new RF cable, data cable, power cable, grounding cable and connectors. e) All cables must be tallied, terminated, clamped and protector against damage. sharp bend must be avoided and cabling passes through
deck or bulkheads, suitable bulkhead sockets and glands are to be used. f) All equipment shall be bond to grounding.
4. Contactor to provide all installation material for succesful installation of the
system as required by RMN.
5. The following documents shall be provided: a) Operater Manual. b) Maintenance Manual. c) Illustrated Part Catalogue (IPC). d) Equipment Layout Diagram.
6. Functional Test and Commisioning. a) Carry out setting to work. b) Carry out auto-calibration and check all the option, software version, baud rate and radio type menus. c) Carry out transmitter power output check for AM/FM mode by adjusting RV1 and RV2 at bit assembly. d) Carry out audio level for
reciever check and modulation transmitter test. e) Carry out frequency selection check. f) Carry out supply voltage at power supply unit and power regulator PCB. g) Carry out running and testing the radio transciever unit, remote control unit and antenna unit for perfomance check. h) On completion, carried out a complete operational test and commisioning for the radio.
7. On completion at all work, carry out functional test HAT SAT satisfaction by
EFMD staff NOOR.
8. Contractor to provide operator and maintenance training for ship staff

Sabah Governor Tun Juhar at the bridge of KD Keris at her commissioning ceremony in January 2020.

Note the spelling mistakes in the specifications list which I CP from the ePerolehan website.
The sensor on top of KD Keris.

Anyhow, I am aware that there is a report out there telling us that RMN has a detailed list of defects on board the LMS, which are mostly China-made stuff. AFAIK this is the first time that RMN is actually doing something about it. The modification/replacement work is expected to be done at the Kota Kinabalu naval base where the LMS squadron are based.
KD Sundang about to berth at the KD Sultan Ismail jetty at Tanjung Pengelih, Johor on August 19, 2021. KD SI picture

Sundang was in the peninsula recently as she took part in the recent Ex Taming Sari 20/21. RMN has not revealed whether Sundang took part in the gunnery exercise during the exercise. She also visited RMN base in Tanjung Pengelih on August 19 after the exercise as a courtesy visit.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (15)

  • Basically TLDM wants the radio that was specified on the LMS, which is commercial grade ICOM sets, to be replaced with military spec radios.

    Nothing wrong with that.

  • Perhaps TLDM found out their China made radios were leaking info to China military and wants to stop it. You know, like how USA are accusing certain Chinese phones of feeding user info back to China. They even banned Pentagon staffers from using any Chinese branded phones.

  • Defective Chinese Components who would've thought? Might as well purchase and install extra weapon systems on LMS, ship to ship missiles or ASW capability would be nice . Its meant to be a corvette after all not an oversize patrol boat

  • "...RMN has a detailed list of defects on board the LMS, which are mostly China-made stuff..."
    Defect as in "politely indicating these components are not competible" with RMN requirement? Rightfully a defect on these new ships would be under warranty and to replace them with a different component will only cost more. And the communication radio is only the beginning of the list?

  • The LMS came with various Chinese made gear because it was practical and to suit the budget. The RMN had long factored in that in due course a number of components would have to be replaced. The primary reason behind replacing the Chinese radios has more to do with compatibility with other (Western) radios used on other assets.

    It has less to do with ‘military spec” or security. Many UHF/HF/VHF transceivers have stuff like frequency hopping and encryption but by and large intercepting stuff broadcast on open airwaves is relatively easy. Top security stuff will not be transmitted on radio.

  • So we can assumed that the future 2 LMS also will get the new radio mods right? And any early news about LMS batch 2? If any..How about thales/aselsan LMM platform on future batch 2 of LMS? and possibly on Kedahs too..
