Racing Pistols For Eastern Fleet

SHAH ALAM: Racing pistols for Eastern Fleet. RMN Eastern Fleet has issued a quotation notice for 12 9mm pistols most likely for its International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) team. The notice published on March 30 called for the supply of 10 Tanfoglio 9mm Limited Custom and two Tanfoglio 9mm Limited Custom Extreme pistols. The quoatation notice ends in seven days.

Tanfoglio Limited Custom pistol.

The Tanfoglio Limited Custom is described by a European online dealer as

Full race single action semi automatic pistol specially made for the I.P.S.C. – Standard Class – competitions. In the Limited Custom model the barrel has a coned external profile, aside the polygonal rifling for better accuracy and longer life, the frame has a longer fore end up to the slide muzzle for a better balancing of the pistol and the extended magazine well for a fast and easy magazine change.

Tanfoglio Limited Custom pistol.

As for the Limited Custom Extreme model it is described as

Tanfoglio Limited Custom Extreme. Tanfoglio

The pistol a special ceramic coating and is supplied with: ambidextrous safety, Xtreme aluminum grips, Xtreme Hammer, Xtreme Trigger, Xtreme Guide Rod, Xtreme Firing Pin, fully adjustable supersight, Xtreme front sight with Fiber Optic and an extended magazine well for fast and easy magazine reloading. The frame has, on both sides, threaded holes for mounting the scope mount.
In the pistol case there are two recoil spring with different loads, a steel front sight, the cleaning set and the three spare magazine with Xtreme aluminum pad.

Tanfoglio Limited Custome Extreme. Tanfoglio

The website listed the price of the pistols from Euros 1300 to Euros 1800 (RM6,800 to RM8,300) depending on the model.

From the descriptions above the Extreme model is the high speed low drag version of the Tanfoglio Limited Custom pistol. Personally I love shooting in general though like most Malaysians I do not have a gun license and its unlikely I will get one soon. My shooting experience have been limited to the odd invitation to go on the range with the military and police (when I was with the MSM of course).

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (1)

  • On unrelated note, during the kenyan Westgate attack, among the first responder to the scenes(other than local police) were a bunch of IPSC shooters

    That's why there were pictures of white guys with pistols fighting side by side with kenyan soldier and they looks severely underarmed compared to the soldiers that were armed with either G3 rifles or SCAR

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