Portable Multifunctional Ladders Out in the Field

A flood evacuee being helped from an Army truck equipped with the portable multifunctional ladder. Army

SHAH ALAM: As other services celebrated winning gold and silver medals for innovative products, the Army’s Eight Brigade’ quietly fielded the Portable Multifunctional Ladders (PML) during its flood relief operations.

The PML developed by 7 RAJD Innovative and Creative Group were handed over to units under Eight Brigade – covering Kelantan and Terengganu – two months ago. The PML allows for easy entry and exit to the three, five and seven tonne trucks operated by the Army for flood relief operations.

Flood evacuees coming down the portable multifunctional ladder after being evacuated from their flooded areas in Kelantan. Army

And the last few days, the PML were out in the field being used by soldiers to evacuate residents to flood relief centres using the Army trucks.

The release from the Army Western Field Command Headquarters on October 15.

Dalam lawatan tersebut, PMB TD turut berkesempatan menyempurnakan penyerahan Portable Multifunctional Ladder (PML) menerusi Projek Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreaktif (KIK) oleh 7 Skn RAJD kepada Panglima 8 Briged, Brig Jen Dato’ Muzamil bin Hj Ali. Tangga mudah alih ini boleh digunakan bersama trak 3, 5 dan 7 tan semasa pelaksanaan Op MURNI.

Western Field Commander Lt Jen DS Muhammad Huzaimi Sabri signing the plaque for the portable multifunctional ladder to Eight Brigade.

It is interesting to note that from pictures of the flood operations the PML is easy to use – it is just hooked-up to the drop-cover of the trucks – and when not in use is pushed back into the cargo load bed.
As the PML is not available for this truck, they used a ladder to get the evacuees on board. Not ideal for older or people with limited mobility.

From the pictures we also know only a small number of PML is available and soldiers used whatever is available like ladders and chairs to get people on-and-off their trucks. Hopefully, more of these PML are made so they can be distributed across the country for flood relief operations.
The handing over ceremony for the PML: in October. Army

And the soldiers from 7 RAJD are recognized for their invention.
An flood evacuee walking up to an Army truck using the PML. Army

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

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