Pilot Audit On Army Armoured Vehicles

7 RRD personnel taking auditors on the Adnan ACV 300 around the camp as part of the audit inspection in March 2023. 7 RRD

SHAH ALAM: The Auditor-General official conducted an audit on the Seventh Royal Ranger Regiment (7RRD) at its camp in Mentakab, earlier this month. The regiment made public on the audit on its Facebook page on March 16. From the post we know that it was an audit on the management of the Class A (Armoured) vehicles of the Army. It said the result from the two-day audit/study will be used as a check list for other units and formation of the Army as it was the pilot audit.

As part of the audit process., the auditors also went through the vehicles log-books. 7 RRD

7RRD said the audit is diagnostic procedure to pinpoint the strength and weaknesses of an organisation. “Therefore, the unit is always ready to be visited by the auditing team to achieve excellence. It also said the audit report will be published in early 2024. Hopefully, it will be published for the public with any redaction as it had been in some cases in the past.
7 RRD officers taking the auditors for a ride on their Adnan ACV 300 vehicles in the camp.

MENTAKAB, 15 Mac 23: Pasukan telah menerima lawatan Jabatan Audit Negara yang diketuai oleh Puan Nurul Hidayah binti Ismail selaku Penolong Pengarah Audit bersama 4 ahli kumpulan serta 9 pegawai 7 RRD (Mek) bagi Pilot Study Audit Pengurusan Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA) Tentera Darat bertujuan sebagai proses awal dalam menyediakan senarai semak bagi audit sebenar unit/ formasi TD yang lain sebelum pelaporan akhir yang akan dibentangkan kepada Ketua Audit Negara pada awal tahun 2024. Pemeriksaan ini telah dijalankan bermula dari 14 sehingga 15 Mac 23.
Pemeriksaan ini telah dijalankan selama 2 hari iaitu pada hari pertama telah dilaksanakan taklimat pengurusan KJA pasukan diikuti dengan pemeriksaan dokumen KJA serta sesi soal jawab bersama Tim Audit Jabatan Audit Negara.
Diteruskan pada hari kedua, pemeriksaan dokumen dan KJA secara fizikal di Garaj KJA Batalion, Exit Conference dan maklum balas hasil Pilot Study bersama Tim Audit Jabatan Audit Negara.
Audit pengurusan adalah prosedur diagnostik yang bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kekuatan dan kelemahan sesebuah organisasi. Oleh hal yang demikian, pasukan sentiasa bersiap sedia untuk menerima lawatan dari tim audit sebagai langkah menjadi pasukan yang cemerlang dalam semua aspek.
Sekalung tahniah kepada semua warga Cekal Perkasa kerana memberi kerjasama yang baik sepanjang kumpulan Jabatan Audit Negara berada di pasukan.
Pelaksanaan Pilot Test ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Kedua Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Memperkasakan Keutuhan Organisasi dalam mencorakkan tadbir urus yang telus dan teratur.

It is interesting to note that several years ago, 7RRD was the designated Ready To Deploy Battalion, meaning it was prepared to mobilise as a United Nations Peacekeeping Force when ordered by the government. To meet the role, several other units were also attached to battalion from Special Forces, logistics, engineering and medical detachments increasing the number of personnel to around 850, the same as the current Malaysian contingent for Lebanon.

7 RRD officers showing their documents to the auditors.

Based on the 7 RRD Facebook postings, it became apparent that the unit no longer serve as the RTD. It is unclear when this had happened though. One reason Malaysian Defence believed that it was no longer reserved for the UN role was the fact that the battalion had sent a detachment of soldiers to Lahad Datu late last year, to be part of the Joint Force Headquarters 2 or ATB2. If 7RRD remained ready to deploy for international missions, it is unlikely that it would be ordered to deploy a large of part of its unit for an internal security mission.
7 RRD soldiers at the ready during the UN inspection on Feb. 17, 2017 inspection. BTDM

ATB 2 as you are aware is the military headquarters for the eastern coast of Sabah. ATB 2 was formed in early 2000 due to various attacks and incursions by Sulu pirates and terrorists. ATB 2 is also now part of the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM) set up by the government following the Sulu incursion in 2013.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (10)

  • The audit should came out with flying colours as the unit is one of the best maintained and equipped battalion in malaysian army.

    If you look closely, those adnans are even equipped with special parts that adnan and MIFV in other battalions does not have.

  • Hulubalang ... - ''If you look closely, those adnans are even equipped with special parts that adnan and MIFV in other battalions does not have.''

    By all means kindly share with those who lack your powers of observation what those ''special parts'' are.

  • Any update on the 6x6 and 4x4 tender ? Turkiye got both ? Or need to wait until after Turkiye GE ?

  • Hulubalang "The audit should came out with flying colours as the unit is one of the best maintained and equipped battalion in malaysian army."

    From what I understand rather than them being subjected to an audit they are being used as a benchmark to audit others.

  • rubber band tracks (instead of the standard metal tracks with rubber pads others have)

  • I assume rubber band tracks for quieter sound and ease of maintenance??? correct me if i am wrong

  • Luqman - ''I assume rubber band tracks for quieter sound and ease of maintenance??? ''

    Less damage/stress to paved roads too.
