Categories PDRM

PGA Getting New Guns – DSA 2018 Shorts

KUALA LUMPUR: The General Operations Force or Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) is replacing the legendary Colt M16A1 assault rifle with another Colt fiream, the Advance Colt Carbine – Monolithic (ACC-M). The first batch of some 3000 ACC-M has already been delivered by SMEO last year while another batch of around 3000 units are expected in the second quarter of 2018.

The Colt AR ordered for the police, the nearest one is the APC with UGL, middle is the ACC-M and the last one is the CM901.

PDRM ordered 15,000 ACC-M rifles from SME Ordnance Sdn Bhd (early last year) with the deliveries to be completed within five years. PDRM has also ordered 500 Advanced Piston Carbine (APC) from SMEO last year together with 50 9-inch M203 under-barrel launchers for VAT 69.

Colt ACC-M

Unlike the APC which uses a gas piston for its operating system, the ACC-M is fitted with the traditional gas impingement system used on the M16 and M4.The APC has an 11 inch barrel while the 14.5 inch barrrel is used on the ACC-M.

It is likely that both carbines are fitted optics most likely the Aimpoint, Trijicon or the Elcan ones. Apart from the 5.56mm carbines, SMEO had also supplied some 200 Colt CM-901 rifles chambered for the 7.62mm cartridge specifically for police units operating in ESSCOM as a designated marksman rifle.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (6)

  • Which means PDRM had to add stockpile much more SS109 rounds than before, which may or may not complicated logistics, especially in remote balai

    Not really as the PGA units draw from their own armories instead of the local balai. Since the roll out will take five years or so the units have enough time to replenish their armories.

  • It seems that the PGA is geeting a better rifle with nice optic than the army. Pls correct if wrong

  • Interested in seeing that the police are getting a free floating upper receiver for the GOF.

    Hopefully that the army would also use a free floating handguard for their general infantry unless they have to buy a whole upper receiver.

    Questions. Since colt canada is a subsidiary of colt, are they also affliated with sme ordnance? And are the GOF getting pencil contour barrel or medium contour (or as colt called it heavy barrel m4)?

  • i hope the army would also adopt the DMR concept, at least on company level

    They are actually

  • aib - ''Nothing’s wrong with appointed local agents but their competencies must be confirmed.''

    Local agents/representatives have to make a profit and cover their costs; that will effect the final price of what's being bought. Also, in many cases it would make sense for the end user to have direct access to the OEM in case of issues but instead - in most cases - the end user must go through the local agent/representative. To be fair some local agents/representatives deliver as promise but some don't and when that happens the MAF pays the price.

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