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Malaysian Defence

Defence Procurement Oversight Committee

Johor Bahru MP Datuk Shahrir chaired the Public Accounting Committee which conduct a relatively mild investigations into Government projects and funding. Apart from its lack of power, the committee can only look into a project/funding after the money is gone. With a lot of unproven allegations -mostly corruption – have […]

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Malaysian Defence

Utusan Malaysia and Malaysian Defence

To be honest I was flabbergasted. I was searching for the most search word for Malaysia on the net and the answer was Utusan Malaysia. It even topped the most searched word for March. Anyhow, Utusan Malaysia (its a Malay-language paper) seems to be the only one interested to write […]

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The story below speaks volume. Every one else apparently chose something esle. Our forces. meanwhile, are following the US military by opting to use the M4 despite the well publicised problems with it. The US military has a good reason. It is willing to wait for a laser gun to […]

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Army Media Day 2007

Captions. 1) FN Mag (GPMG)2) Pakistan-made RMPG-73) McMillan 50 calibre rifle (compnay has close-shop)4) FN SAW (the only new gun on display)5) Condor APC (the same vehicle used in Somalia 1991) Three weeks back I attended the 2007 Army Media Day in conjunction of Army Day. There was a shooting […]

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Happy 200th Birthday PDRM

On Sunday, March 25, is the 25th anniversary of the Royal Malaysian Police or Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) As the premier law enforcement agency in Malaysia it is also part of the Malaysian defence equation. Its Special Branch is the FBI/CIA or MI5/MI6 equivalent in Malaysia. In its 200th year, […]

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What A Pity

Everyone knows that soldiers sometimes inflict their own kind of punishment for their own kind. Who are we to judge them? But the lines are drawn when third parties usually civilians are involved or the punishment is just part of a macho culture of a training camp. Chicken shit is […]

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Malaysian Defence

Labuan Frigates

Since I have commented on the subject before, I do not wish to make further comments on the project apart from confirming that I am willing to bet RM50 (I am just a poor blogger) that the first frigate from the project will be inducted in the Royal Malaysian Navy […]

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Malaysian Defence

Chief of Defence Force

PETALING JAYA: Its offcial. The official English translation of Panglima Angkatan Tentera (Armed Forces Chief) is Chief of Defence Force. Yes, its Chief of Defence Force ( and not even Chief of Defence Forces as Bernama has used since the last three years. . See my earlier posts for context. […]

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Malaysian Defence

Airbus A319 CJ

The purchase of the Airbus A319 Corporate Jet by Penerbangan Malaysia for use the by government, bring yet another dimension to the long running requirement for the RMAF for the purchase of strategic transporters and airborne refuelers. In my earlier blog for AWACs I recommended the purchase of a dozen […]