Onwards and Beyond

The Maggati or Rapid 4X4. This is an SOV but will be developed into the Infantry Carrier Vehicle to carry 10 soldiers into operations. The HMG will be mounted on the ICV.

SHAH ALAM: Undeterred by the recent setbacks to a much more resourceful competitor – Cendana Auto Sdn Bhd – is looking forward to compete in the next round of Army vehicles competition.

Cendana has wrapped up deliveries of 207 4×4 vehicles ordered by the Army in 2019, comprising of 16 SF-21X Special Operation Vehicles, 70 FFR vehicles, 49 ARTAC Armed Tactical Ground Vehicle weapon carriers and 72 MT-815 81mm mortar transporters. Despite the success, the company was slapped with liquid ascertained damages or late delivery charges as some of the vehicles were not delivered on schedule due to the pandemic.

Cendana Auto Artac Weapon Carriers vehicle. TD picture.

Nonetheless, a Cendana Auto official said they will compete in both the soft-skin and armoured vehicles tenders expected to be published soon. They believed they are competitive by being more technically proficient despite being less resourceful. The tenders are for soft-skin vehicles are weapons and troop carriers and reconnaissance vehicles, while the armoured ones are 4X4 vehicles described by the Army as the High Mobility Armoured Vehicles and High Mobility Light Armoured Vehicles. They will also compete for the SLEP of the MIFV.
Installing an HMG on the Magatti prototype. Malaysian Defence picture.

At DSA 2024, Cendana Auto displayed two vehicles developed using internal funds – the Magatti infantry carrier vehicle (ICV) and Vextor, a four man reconnaissance vehicle. Maggati- a Bugis word for rapid – is development of Cendana Auto SOV – 16 already delivered to the Army. Unlike the SF vehicle, which carries five soldiers, the Magatti will carry 10 soldiers – five in the front and five in the back.
The Maggati or Rapid. This is an SOV but will be developed into the Infantry Carrier Vehicle to carry 10 soldiers into operations. The HMG will be mounted on the ICV.

The vehicle is being developed for a requirement of the 10th Para Brigade for rapid deployment vehicles. The four men Vextor is meant for reconnaissance units of infantry battalions. The vehicle is another requirement for the Army which includes the combat buggy which Cendana Auto is also pursuing when the tender is published.
MKE display at DSA 2024. The desert tan is 12.7mmm HMG and behind it is the MK19 AGL.

Cendana Auto will also be competing in the proposed requirements for some 100 weapons carriers. Malaysian Defence was told these vehicles differed from the 2019 order (which Cendana Auto supplied) as the weapons for the vehicles are limited to the heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers. A tender to supply both the HMG and AGL will be held separately. This means that all infantry battalions – apart from the mechanized ones – will be equipped with 4X4 weapons carriers with their support companies.
Various version of the 12.7mm HMG. The RMN is using the last one the M2 CQB on its FIC as with the Army on its Pantheras armoured 4X4s in Lebanon.

The current HMG for the Army is the 12.7mm HMG, the latest ones of which were procured from US Ordnance and Canik of Turkiye (solely for the Pantheras in Lebanon). The Army has not ordered new AGLs recently, but the current in service ones are the Mark 19 AGLs though I have no idea of the manufacturer.
Nurol Makina NMS 4X4 is likely to be a contender for the HMLTV programme. The NMS was displayed by Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd booth which subsidiary, Badan Bas Sdn Bhd, won the contract to supply the Panthera 4X4 to the Malaysian UNIFIL contingent. Malaysian Defence picture.

As for the KJA requirement – HMAV and HMLTV – the Cendana Auto official confirmed that they are ready to offer the vehicles for the tenders. Cendana Auto also signed an MOU with Hanwha Aerospace of South Korea to meet the SLEP requirement for the MIFV K200s operated by the Army, most of which are operated the 14 RMR (Mechanised) and the Armour Squadron of the 10th Para.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2283 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Can’t we put on some armour on the 4×4 weapon carriers for the support companies? We really expect our soldiers to be brave to go into battle in soft skin vehicles.

  2. If weapon carrier is not armoured, how is it to be used in combat? Shoot from distance?

  3. Just for info, the Vextor recon vehicle is based on a chassis designed n built by our local boys from Cendana Auto. However the Magati still applies d Toyota Hilux chassis

  4. Hasnan – ”Can’t we put on some armour on the 4×4 weapon carriers for the support companies? ”
    Yew – ”If weapon carrier is not armoured”

    Ideally everything will have some level of protection.
    In reality if a vehicle has a weapon which is not an direct fire weapon and does not result in the crew being exposed to direct fire; then there’s less of a need.

  5. @Anon
    “Nice,another defence player in the making.”
    We always had lotsa players but whether they can be sustainable is another matter…

  6. Yes, the Karaok is meant for 18 4X4 KPS ordered and delivered already by Cendana Auto. 6X6 has not been ordered so hard to say now that it will be ordered with ATGM, though it is likely.

  7. Can I know what type of armoured vehicle offered by Cendana Auto company? As for know there is no yet armoured vehicle launched or unveiled by this company right?

  8. The official will only say they will compete for the HMAV and HMLTV tenders. He did not say the exact vehicles they will offer. I did not pursue it.

  9. 50 cal and Mk19 grenade launcher max range is 1,500m. Thus the weapon operator standing on the Cendana Auto rover is the prime target by the enemy’s sniper. There is an armoured version of the rover on display at the show iianm.

  10. so the upcoming new 4×4 tender (HMAV, HMLTV) and 6×6 is also likely to have atgm’s ?

  11. I was told that cendana auto offered d maggati with armoured protection. However level of protection was not being informed off.

    Mildef however did mention d proposed weapon carrier can configured to stanag level 1 protection but declined to comment on it’s field performance due to d added armour

  12. None of the Cendana Auto vehicles are uparmoured as there is no requirement for them. The Vextor is armoured to up to 5.56mm but there is no requirement for it really. For higher STAGNAG, they need to get a new chassis for the Vextor and the Rover.

    The others like Nurol Makina NMS, Guardian MRAP, the Chaiseri vehicles and Mildef ones are all armoured.

  13. GK/Westar, Cendana, & Mildef are fast moving into what was once solely Deftech turf.

  14. Hopefully d army will make 1 permanent decision on d actual specification of the proposed LTV inclusive of all necessary protection so that our local industries can prepare an actual prototype.

    As for d 6×6 micv requirement what I’ve been told previously was actually meant for/to meet our UNIFiL
    requirement ( originally 8 x 8 micv ). Requirement was changed due to new area of operation


  15. hasnan – ”Mk19 grenade launcher max range is 1,500m. Thus the weapon operator standing on the Cendana Auto rover is the prime target by the enemy’s sniper.”

    By that logic even a General located 10 km away might be vulnerable to a sniper and even if ballistic panels were installed the weapon operator would still be exposed.

  16. The Adnan upgrade programme is interesting. For once Detech has actually offered something which interests me. Doubt it will be selected but the unmanned 25mm turret makes sense; Sharpshooter makes the vehicle top heavy and prone to rolling. The offer of a UAS is unexpected but is the direction we should be moving towards to; UASs integral to certain vehicles. There is also a new BMS [compatible to the AV-8s but to the PT-91?] and mods to the smoke grenade system. As for Mildef I have no idea what chance they stand.

  17. On another issue the U.S’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment has been given the go ahead to conduct trials with E-bikes. Other armies doing the same are Brit and Canadian ones. An advantage these bikes have is that they have solar panels are unlike scramblers which can be heard miles away are silent. The Ukrainians have already been using E-bikes for recce and AT work [fitted with a NLAW]. It seems that the Malaysian army getting E-bikes is not as silly as many initially assumed.

  18. Marhalim,

    You mentioned that most of the MIFVs are operated by 4 RMR [Mechanised]? I was under the impression [probably wrongly] that 4 Mechanised Brigade comprised 12th Royal Malay Regiment; 19th Royal Malay Regiment and 7th Royal Ranger Regiment.

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