SHAH ALAM: Almost eight months after it was announced, No. 8 Squadron is now the official name of RMAF A400M unit replacing the No.22 Squadron. The announcement for the name change was made on June 1 last year by the then RMAF chief though the actual change only became effective on February 4, this year. This was unlike the change over between No. 11 and No. 12 squadrons which became effective on June 1, 2020.
From RMAF Facebook page:
Hari Jumaat, tanggal 8 April 2022 menjadi peristiwa bersejarah khususnya bagi No 8 Skn apabila melalui penstrukturan TUDM, No 8 Skn mengoperasikan pesawat A400M berkuatkuasa pada 4 Februari 2022. Simbolik pengoperasian No 8 Skn dilaksanakan dalam satu Perbarisan Skuadron dengan upacara pemakaian lencana No 8 Skn kepada pegawai-pegawai eksekutif skuadron sekaligus menjadi simbolik penukaran skuadron yang mengoperasikan pesawat angkut A400M yang sebelum ini ialah No 22 Skn. Pemakaian lencana No 8 Skn telah disempurnakan oleh Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brig Jen Omar bin Hj Dawami TUDM kepada Pegawai Memerintah Skuadron, Lt Kol Yusrizal bin Zain TUDM dan disaksikan oleh semua eksekutif pangkalan dan warga skuadron.
Sejarah pengoperasian bagi pesawat angkut A400M bermula pada 5 Januari 2015 dengan perolehan pesawat A400M untuk TUDM dan secara rasminya No 22 Skn mengoperasikan pesawat baharu tersebut. Sejak itu, pelbagai penugasan penerbangan taktikal dan strategik telah dilaksanakan seperti Air-to-Air Refueling, Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC), Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief (HADR) serta penglibatan dalam eksesais bersama negara-negara luar yang telah membawa nama ATM amnya dan TUDM khasnya. Malah memainkan peranan penting khusus bagi bantuan penghantaran udara ketika pandemik Covid-19 melanda negara ketika pesawat syarikat penerbangan komersial tidak beroperasi.
Kini, sejajar dengan Pelan Tindakan CAP55 Fasa 1 (2021-2022), nama No 22 Skn ditukarkan kepada No 8 Skn. Untuk rekod sejarah, No 8 Skn pernah digunakan bagi pengoperasian pesawat angkut Caribou DHC-4A yang berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Labuan pada tahun 1966. No 8 Skn telah dihentikan operasi pada bulan Oktober 1993. Dengan pertukaran yang berkuatkuasa pada 4 Februari 2022, fungsi dan peranan No 8 Skn yang baharu dikekalkan sama seperti fungsi dan peranan No 22 Skn yang mengoperasikan pesawat A400M sebelum ini. Dengan penukaran nama skuadron ini, ianya melakarkan sejarah tersendiri kepada TUDM dan kepada No 8 Skn yang memegang moto “Teguh Merentas”.
Di acara yang sama, Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brig Jen Omar bin Hj Dawami TUDM telah menyempurnakan upacara pemakaian pangkat kepada 11 orang warga skuadron. Syabas dan tahniah kepada anggota yang dinaikkan pangkat. Semoga warga udara No 8 Skn terus cemerlang “Teguh Merentas” melaksanakan amanah yang dipertangungjawabkan demi kedaulatan negara tercinta.
It is interesting to note that the A400M squadron first commander, Brigadier General Masro Kaliwon has now been promoted as RMAF Air Support Commander, basically the fourth senior officer of the service. It is likely that he will be promoted with a second star soon. Anyhow I have no idea why it took so long for the squadron to receive its new nameplate.
— Malaysian Defence
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Congratulations Marhalim. You are one of those that proposed the 8 squadron nameplate for the A400M in the first place right?
Still I did not understand why did they raise a new squadron number in the first place when there are plenty of old historical numberplate available. Cannot think out of the box?
No, I didn’t
gonggok – ”n the first place when there are plenty of old historical numberplate available. Cannot think out of the box?”
Like the case with the MKMs and UAS squadron right – which was raised previously.
I doubt it’s because they ”cannot think out of the box” but rather for some mundane bureaucratic reason or possibly due to the insistence of senior officials. Anyhow 8 Squadron previously was stood down as a transport squadron and is now activated again.
It is a pity they did not inherit 8Skn logo & symbols. I believe it would do the old squadron proud if their history was inherited together with their name. In USN, they have a rich tradition of squadrons being inherited dating back to WW2 or prior.
that is not the old crest of the 8 squadron.
this is.
Yes, I know
Yup. Your right. Was trying to point out that discrepancies. Thanks.
Truthfully I don’t see any shame to relive and modernise the old crest and bring back the seladang. It is a beast of burden well trusted to carry its task on its shoulders literally so kinda apt to represent a transport type squadron like the A400M.
I am with you on this. I would have kept the original crest, or at least the original motto.