No 6 Squadron at Bersama Gold

A No.6 Skuadron ground crew checking out a Hawk Mk208 Martin Baker Mk. 10 ejection seat. The ejection seat is among the items maintained by Destini Prime Sdn bhd. Joint Force Command picture

SHAH ALAM: Np. 6 Squadron at Bersama Gold. It appears that the No. 6 Squadron of the RMAF is the Hawk unit which was sent out a temporary detachment to Kuantan airbase for Bersama Gold 2021. Apart from the No.6 Squadron, the No. 12 Squadron also sent a temporary detachment for the FPDA exercise. It is unclear how many personnel and aircraft from both squadrons are taking part in the exercise, though it is likely four airframes.

The involvement of No. 6 Squadron, based at the Labuan airbase, is another reminder that it is the sole operational Hawk squadron with the No. 15 Squadron as the training unit.

A Hawk Mk 208 taking off for another Bersama Gold sortie. Joint Force Command.

The now defunct No.9 Squadron which also used to be based at Labuan was the other operational Hawk squadron.
A crew with No. 6 Skuadron conducting a check on the front landing gear of a Mk208 Hawk in the aircraft shelter of Kuantan airbase.


KUANTAN, 11 Okt 21 – Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM telah membuat lawatan ke Skuadron 320, Detasemen No 6 Skn, dan Detasemen No 12 Skn di Pangkalan Udara Kuantan bagi meninjau pelaksanaan Eks BERSAMA GOLD 21.
Ketibaan Panglima Operasi Udara dan delegasi telah disambut oleh Panglima Wilayah Udara 1, Mej Jen Dato’ Zahani bin Hj Zainal Abidin TUDM dan Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuantan, Brig Jen Zulkiffli bin Hj Musa TUDM serta turut menerima kawalan kuarter dari Warga Pangkalan Udara Kuantan.
Lawatan ini bertujuan bagi mendapatkan gambaran penuh berhubung pelaksanaan eksesais dan keberkesanan atau kekangan yang dihadapi semasa Eks BG21 serta penambaikan pada masa hadapan. Panglima Operasi Udara memuji kesemua Skuadron yang terlibat di atas semangat dan komitmen yang diberikan sepanjang eksesais berlangsung.

A Sukhoi Su-30MKM from No. 12 Skuadron wait on the runway threshold as Hawk takes off for another Bersama Gold sortie.

Note the Skuadron 320 also involved in the exercise is the radar squadron based at the Kuantan airbase. It must be noted that despite the ongoing Bersama Gold exercise, RMAF Hawks and Flankers were also involved in the Army’s 2021 firepower demonstration which was held at the Gemas firing range this week.
Tail number 13 returning to Kuantan airbase after likely conducting a bomb run at the Gemas range on October 14, 2021. Stephy See via Ed Liew.

It is unclear whether the Hawks and Flankers involved in Bersama Gold also took part in the firepower demonstration which involved the dropping of live ordnance.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (3)

  • Just back from spotting in Kuantan. Met a young Kuantan spotter, he captured the 4 aircraft formation of a pair of Hawk 208 and a pair of the Sukhoi on Tuesday morning. Perhaps those were deployed to LKT and today, I noticed at least 1 of the Sukhoi is still mounted with 3 bombs carriages.
    On another note, the same chap today was forced by the 3 Handau to delete all his spotting photos or will be taken to the police station. The reason given by these officers is that the aircraft is the property of RMAF and no outsiders are allowed to take photo of it even if he was standing outside the base. Such a sad PR meltdown by them. I did not meet this Handau as I went for a quick lunch and spotted in a different location.

  • Ed - ''The reason given by these officers is that the aircraft is the property of RMAF''

    What a wank! Back in the 1990's a few press photographers were actually detained briefly after taking pics of the newly arrived Hornets. I remember being told I couldn't take a pic of the Cockerill on a Scorpion back in 88 or 89. By and large things have improved since the 1980's/90's; very surprised someone saw fit to issue such instructions to Paskau /

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