New Vehicles and Firearms for FRU

New Vehicles and Firearms for FRU

SHAH ALAM: Inspector-General of Police TS Razarudin Husain on December 7 announced that the Home Ministry has approved an allocation of some RM22 million for the procurement of vehicles, anti-riot dogs and firearms for the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU).

The IG made the announcement when he officiated the new FRU headquarters in Cheras. The FRU headquarters was previously located at police’s training centre in Jalan Semarak in Kuala Lumpur. The new headquarters apart from the administration blocks housed two FRU units, the horse unit, women FRU barracks and family quarters.

A typical FRU troops with their body armour and shield together with their vehicles. Note the trooper on the horse which is also fitted with body armour. PDRM.

He said among the items approved are anti-riot protection equipment – 1,000 protective body and 1,000 gas mask – RM10 million; 13 .22 LR sniper rifles worth RM2.3 million; 10 combat vans – RM3.6 million; RM2.2 million for four bonded truck for FRU’s cavalry unit; 178 riot guns (RM2.3 million) and 10 dogs for its K-9 Unit (RM900,00).

The IGP firing a coloured marking ammo from a pepper ball pistol to mark the opening ceremony. PDRM.

Beliau turut menzahirkan penghargaan atas keprihatinan pihak Kerajaan khususnya Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang telah meluluskan perolehan bagi PSP iaitu meliputi kelengkapan keselamatan anti riot (1,000 unit “protective armour body” dan 1,000 unit “gas mask”), 13 laras “sniper rifle” .22, 10 buah van tempur, empat buah kenderaan “float bonded truck”, penggantian 175 laras “riot gun” dan 10 ekor anjing rusuhan.

The release above posted on the PDRM Facebook page deleted the allocation amount which was in the speech text by the IGP which he had said stated in his speech. I delayed posting on this as I had initially thought that the procurement had been conducted as checks on Eperolehan and the ministry websites did not have them.

FRU troop carriers are basically buses which have been modified for police use. Apart from carrying troops, the carriers also served a command and control post, and mobile detention units during riots.

A thorough reading of the speech text and the video of the IGP’s speech confirmed that the funding had been approved – likely in the 2024 budget and the procurement is expected in the coming months.
A typical FRU troop at the ceremony. They are not equipped with body armour. PDRM

As FRU troops are usually armed with riot guns – from pump action shotguns, bolt action rifles and grenade launchers so it is likely the new ones are to replace the current weapons in use. Apart from riot guns, FRU troopers also used pistols to fire non-lethal rounds from pepper ball and colour marking rounds.
FRU Horse unit. The horses are also fitted with protective shield over the eyes.

As for the K-9 unit, it will be the first for the FRU. The police earlier this year announced it was setting up a K-9 unit for riot control. The same reason was cited when the police stood up horse unit. The horse unit has been sent to the border for patrol duties as well ceremonial duties. The horses are also equipped with protective body armour as with their riders when deployed for riot control duties.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (5)

  • "13 .22 LR sniper rifles worth RM2.3 million"

    rm2.13 million for 13x .22LR guns??? Am I reading this correct??? Is it not a typo?? Why so expensive?

  • I think FRU should be armed with tazer guns considering many drunken alcoholic skank in malaysia running wild . Pdrm too. Buying so many guns but majority of the force never fired a shot

  • Wise move to get 22 LR for training but designated marksman still has to get used to a full calibre operation rifle. The 22LR calibre is known to scale well up to full bore but it must be said the rifle & ammo pair has to be balistically matched to rifles in service.

    We buy weapons not to shoot people. Usage of tazers in USA have been so liberal as to have caused deaths because on the presumption that its 'non lethal' so police there went gungho.

  • I don't think the .22 LR rifles are for training. Some militaries like the IDF utilises .22 rifles as a less lethal weapon during riots. They are used to disable violent demonstrators or mob leaders by shooting at their legs. They are also used to shoot dogs or lights during operations.

  • @h
    As per article, their standard snipers are 7.62mm and .338 Lapua Magnum rifle. Putting another calibre weapon into operation just adds more logistical complexities.
