SHAH ALAM: New aircraft for No 1 Squadron. No 2 Squadron, the unit which operates the IPTN CN-235/220M transporters (and soon MSA) received a new aircraft on May 17, 2022. It is not a brand new aircraft however, as its the CN-225 M44-08 VIP transporter which has been in service with the No. 2 Squadron since the aircraft was delivered in the 1990s.
With the transfer of tail-number 08, No. 1 Squadron – based at the Kuching airbase – now has seven aircraft in its inventory. It lost one aircraft a few years back in a non-fatal incident.

Three of the squadrons CN-235s are also in Bandung for conversion into MSA configuration with funding provided by Uncle Sam. This left another three CN-235s available for transport and utility roles.

RMAF says the transfer was part of the Cap 55 plan.
SUBANG, 17 Mei 22 – “PUTRA” nama pesawat TUDM yang baharu melalui proses perpindahan pesawat yang merupakan salah satu perancangan yang terdapat dalam Pelan Pembangunan Keupayaan TUDM 2055 (RMAF Capability Development Plan 2055) atau lebih dikenali sebagai “CAP 55”. Penganugerahan nama tersebut diuar-uarkan dalam simbolik gimik penyerahan pesawat tersebut dalam Majlis Serah Terima Pesawat CN235-220M VIP (M44-08) yang dilaksanakan pada 17 Mei 22 oleh No 1 Skuadron kepada No 2 Skuadron. Pesawat tersebut sebelum ini beroperasi di bawah naungan No 1 Skuadron selaku pesawat VIP. Nama Panggilan (Callsign) PUTRA adalah hasil cetusan idea Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang kepada pesawat selepas sesi tandatangan serah terima pesawat tersebut yang sebelum ini menggunakan callsign CEKAL.
Majlis bersejarah ini telah dimulakan dengan menyaksikan ketibaan pesawat CN235-220M VIP (M44-08) di Hangar B serta disambut dengan tradisi “water salute”. Majlis diteruskan dengan sesi menandatangani plak serah terima pesawat di antara Pegawai Memerintah No 2 Skuadron, Leftenan Kolonel Hassan Basri bin Tajul Arifin TUDM dengan Pegawai Memerintah No 1 Skuadron, Leftenan Kolonel Syed Faisal bin Syed Abdul Kadir TUDM yang disaksikan oleh Komander, Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brigedier Jeneral Omar bin Hj Dawami TUDM dan Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuching, Kolonel Mohd Jafri bin Suboh TUDM.
Dengan perpindahan pesawat ini, No 2 Skuadron bertanggungjawab mengoperasikan pesawat berkenaan sebagaimana Pelan Pembangunan Keupayaan TUDM 2055 serta seiring dengan moto Skuadron “Kami Sampaikan”.

Yes, the transfer may well be part of the CAP 55 plan but it is likely that tail number 08 was no longer fit for the VIP role anymore. And it will be expensive to refurbish the aircraft to continue in its VIP role. I am also guessing turning it back into a regular transporter will not be cost prohibitive as it did not have a bespoke VIP interior as the VVIP Black Hawk (colloquially known as White Hawks here).

As for the MSA, I have no idea when the first aircraft is supposed to be flown back from Bandung as the delivery dates keep on slipping. Perhaps they are waiting for all three aircraft to be completed before they brought them back.
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That CN235 was basically that squadron only aircraft. So does it mean the disbandment of No1 Squadron?
No lah they still have the Global Express, Falcon, the Airbus A319s and the White Hawks
Ohh, I thought those were under PM Dept with subconded TUDM crew. Sorry sorry.
Their mission are seconded to the PM Department but the crew are from RMAF and their unit is No 1 Squadron