SHAH ALAM: Some eight months after she returned to the fleet after undergoing an extensive refit, corvette KD Laksamana Muhammad Amin -pennant 136 – is taking part in a joint RMN and Indonesian Navy coordinated patrol.
As reported previously, Muhammad Amin underwent a 32-month refit programme at the Grade One Marine Shipyard which involved the re-hulling (new hull) and repowering (new engines and machineries). As part of the programme, she is also getting a new Fire Control System which among others allow her main 76mm gun to be fired remotely.

It is unclear whether the FCS work has been completed as RMN did not mentioned it in the release on the joint patrol. That said Malaysian Defence had reported previously that work to install the FCS will take 24 months.

Apart from Muhammad Amin, MCMV KD Jerai – pennant number 12 – is also taking part in the joint patrol which starts on February 19 and ends on March 1. The patrol covers the areas of the northern Malacca Straits. Indonesian Navy is represented fast patrol crafts – KRI Lepu – pennant number 861- and KRI Karotang – pennant number 872.

Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) terus memperkukuh kerjasama pertahanan maritim melalui Operasi Patroli Terkordinasi Malaysia-Indonesia (Op PATKOR MALINDO) 167/25 dari 19 Februari hingga 1 Mac 2025. Operasi berkala ini bertujuan memastikan keselamatan perairan bersama serta meningkatkan kesalingoperasian dalam menghadapi ancaman maritim.
Timbalan Panglima Armada Barat, Laksamana Pertama Ahmad Sapuan Fathi bin Hj Muhammad telah merasmikan majlis pembukaan di Dewan Tun Rahah, Markas Wilayah Laut 3, Langkawi. Turut hadir Panglima Wilayah Laut 3, Laksamana Pertama Ahmad Shafirudin bin Abu Bakar dan Komandan Gugus Keamanan Laut (DANGUSKAMLA), Laksamana Pertama TNI Anung Sutanto, S.Sos, M.Si.M.Han.
Bagi edisi kali ini, TLDM mengatur gerak KD LAKSAMANA MUHAMMAD AMIN dan KD JERAI, manakala TNI-AL mengoperasikan KRI LEPU dan KRI KAROTANG. Keempat-empat aset ini akan menjalankan latihan meliputi rondaan maritim, perkongsian risikan serta koordinasi menangani ancaman seperti penyeludupan, pencerobohan dan jenayah rentas sempadan.
Dalam ucapannya, Timbalan Panglima Armada Barat menegaskan bahawa Selat Melaka merupakan salah satu laluan maritim terpenting dunia, menghubungkan Laut China Selatan dan Lautan Hindi. Selat ini menyumbang lebih 25 peratus dagangan maritim dunia dan menjadi laluan lebih 150,000 kapal setiap tahun.
“Kehadiran aset TLDM dan TNI-AL dalam rondaan bersama memberi impak positif terhadap keselamatan serta kesejahteraan komuniti maritim. Pelaksanaan operasi ini membuktikan kerjasama erat antara TLDM dan TNI-AL dalam memastikan keselamatan serta keamanan pengguna maritim di sepanjang perairan Malaysia dan Indonesia,” katanya.
Operasi ini akan berlangsung dalam beberapa fasa, termasuk perancangan staf, pelayaran bersama, latihan di laut dan sesi penilaian keberkesanan prosedur operasi. Ia juga akan memberikan peluang kepada anggota dari kedua-dua negara untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan kepakaran dalam mengendalikan operasi maritim.
Pelaksanaan Op PATKOR MALINDO 167/25 bukan sahaja mengukuhkan hubungan pertahanan TLDM dan TNI AL, tetapi juga membuktikan komitmen kedua- dua negara dalam memastikan kestabilan dan keselamatan maritim di perairan strategik yang dikongsi bersama.
Sepanjang tahun 2024, Op PATKOR MALINDO telah mencapai kejayaan dalam pengesanan dan pemeriksaan aktiviti di perairan Selat Melaka. TLDM merekodkan 1,747 pengesanan, manakala TNI-AL merekodkan 490 pengesanan. Dari segi pemeriksaan, TLDM menjalankan 131 pemeriksaan ke atas bot nelayan tempatan dan asing, sementara TNI-AL melaksanakan 153 pemeriksaan. Walaupun tiada tangkapan direkodkan, pemantauan dan pemeriksaan ketat telah memberikan impak positif dalam memastikan keselamatan perairan ini.
Dengan kerjasama yang berterusan, operasi ini menjadi bukti keupayaan dan kesediaan angkatan laut kedua-dua negara dalam menghadapi cabaran keselamatan maritim di perairan strategik ini.
— Malaysian Defence
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is this joint patroli terkoordinasi really necessary? Especially after the MMEA incident and all the subsequent threats to Malaysian embassies and citizens in Indonesia?
Feels like Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact all over again
From the picture in this post, I believe the new FCS works is in progress, no EO turrets on Amin’s mast.
“MCMV KD Lekir – pennant number 12 – is also taking part…” typo eh.
Actually KD Laksamana Muhammad Amin already joined a PATKOR MALINDO last year, sailing to Belawan Indonesia on 16 Nov 2024
BTW MCMV 12 is KD Jerai, not KD Lekir.
What is the status or rehulling? Will KD Laksamana Muhammand Amin be a one off? Or will other Laksamanas be rehulled?
Any updates on KD Ganyang (should be completed?) and KD Ganas (planned completion jan 2026) rehull project? From little info available, seems both will be transformed into sisterships of the rehulled KD Perkasa.
Also anything new on the fate of KD Pendekar? Will it be saved and put through the rehull project?
The cost of OP Rehull project for KD Perkasa is put at RM40 million. A fair cost in my opinion.
The rehull project for Ganyang & Ganas should be cheaper as both already had their OP repowering with new Cummins engines recently.
“Work to install fcs will take 24 month”. My god. Korean shipyards launches the Philipine Navy brand new corvette / frigate in the same time frame. Why r we working so slow??
Since the class are no longer carry any AsHM or SAM, should have rated as OPV rather than Corvette.
“Why r we working so slow??” Entah lah.
Probably because it was the first project.
Any idea why the front port side of the ship is black like covered in soot?
Heck, without the missile and torpedo launchers it looks like a patrol vessel with a big gun.
I believed its the soot from the diesel engines and generators.
Dundun – “is this joint patroli terkoordinasi really necessary?”
It improves relations and promotes cooperation. After all we have unresolved issues with the boundaries in the South China Sea and Straits of Nelaka and over Ambalat. Now people go all ga ga over China and the Spratlys but it wasn’t Chinese ships that nearly fired on a RMN ship, that colluded with a RMN ship and not China which also made some hostile moves which we kept quiet about to avoid making things worse. Wasn’t Chinese personnel shown on their local news pointing a gun at a RMN Lynx and not China that demanded the CO of a MCMV be extradited because he prevented a Malaysian trawler in Malaysia waters from being towed to another country.
Interestingly the first ASEAN countries to have a bilateral naval exercise and later a bilayer naval and air exercise was Malaysia and Indonesia. Part of confidence building measure after the Confrontation. We even went so far as to return some AKscwe had captured after they made the request. The AKs were captured during the Confrontation.
Akmal – “Since the class are no longer carry any AsHM or SAM, should have rated as OPV rather than Corvette”
Why? One can have a corvette without “AsHMs or SAM” and a corvette sized ship which serves as a OPV.
Dundun – “Feels like Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact all over again”
Which divided the spheres of influence of both countries and which gave the Soviets eastern Poland but his does it relate to the topic?