MRSS After 30 Years, Probably

Three MRSS designs on display at the RMN booth at DSA 2018. The model ships were gifted to RMN as the builders tried to entice the service to buy their ships for the MRSS requirements. Malaysian Defence picture

SHAH ALAM: Dewan Rakyat was told on Tuesday that the government will finally approve the funding for the RMN’s multi-role support ship in RMK13, some 30 years after it was proposed. Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari said RMN 15 to 5 Transformation Plan called for the procurement of three MRSS in RMK 12 (the current one which ends in 2025) and RMK 13 which starts in 2026.

Under 15 to 5 programme, the plan is to build two MRSS in RMK12 and one in RMK14 (see the graphic below. Adly said the MRSS was an important part of RMN fleet capability and the Armed Forces operational needs due to its strategic sealift capability.

However, he added, the focus was now on strengthening RMN combat capability via the LCS and LMS Batch 2 programmes.

RMN planned procurement under the 15 to 5 plan.

The Hansard from October 24, Edited for brevity and style.

Komander Nordin bin Ahmad Ismail TLDM (Bersara) [Lumut] minta Menteri
Pertahanan menyatakan adakah kementerian akan menilai semula keputusan yang telah
dibuat untuk menangguhkan membeli kapal Multi Role Support Ship (MRSS).

Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan [Tuan Haji Adly bin Zahari]: Bismillahi Rahmani
Rahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan salam sejahtera. Terima kasih,
Yang Berhormat Lumut atas soalan yang dikemukakan.
Tan Sri Yang di-Pertua, dokumen strategi Program Transformasi Armada TLDM 15
to 5telah memperincikan perancangan perolehan tiga buah kapal multi-role support ship
(MRSS) dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kedua Belas dan Ketiga Belas.
Keperluan MRSS ini adalah amat penting dalam melengkapkan aset Armada TLDM
bagi memenuhi keperluan operasi ATM melalui kemampuan strategik sealift antara
Semenanjung Malaysia dengan Sabah dan Sarawak. Di samping bantuan logistik dan
kemanusiaan di peringkat antarabangsa apabila diperlukan.
Walau bagaimanapun, fokus TLDM masa kini lebih tertumpu kepada program
peningkatan keupayaan aset combatant yang lebih kritikal seperti meneruskan perolehan
kapal litteral combat ship (LCS) dan perolehan kapal litteral mission ship batch kedua dan
perolehan kapal MRSS ini akan dirancang dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ketiga Belas yang
akan bermula pada tahun 2026.
Itu sahaja jawapan.

Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Silakan, Yang Berhormat Lumut.
Komander Nordin bin Ahmad Ismail TLDM (B) [Lumut]: Soalan tambahan saya
Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri.
Kalau menunggu Rancangan Malaysia Ketiga belas maknanya kapal yang sedia ada
yang telah berusia hampir 40 tahun akan berkhidmat lagi tiga tahun itu pun bergantung
kepada bajet pada RMKe-13. Saya pun pernah berkhidmat di kapal tersebut, kapal KD Sri
Indera Sakti. Walaupun kelasnya tetapi ia telah dikategorikan sebagai multi-role support ship.
Soalan saya, apalah langkah kementerian untuk meningkatkan keupayaan kapal
MRSS ini yang sedia ada yang telah berusia serta kos penyelenggaraan untuk pelbagai
penugasan logistik?

Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Sila, Menteri.
Tuan Haji Adly bin Zahari: Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Lumut. Tan Sri Yang diPertua, untuk makluman seperti mana yang saya sebut tadi. Memang kita tidak nafikan
bahawa MRSS yang sedia ada ini kita- saya fikir ada dua. Satu sudah berusia 40 tahun dan
satu lagi berusia 43 tahun, itu kita tidak nafikan.
Tetapi, sepertimana yang kita sebut tadi dalam kita merancang dalam Rancangan
Malaysia Ketiga Belas, dalam tempoh itu di samping saya sebut tentang LCS, saya sebut
tentang LMS sebenarnya penumpuan kita juga adalah untuk meningkatkan keupayaan
combatant di samping MRSS yang sedia ada juga.
Jadi, sebab itu kalau kita lihat dua faktor yang menjadi faktor penting. Pertama,
teknikal dan juga kewangan itu. So, penyusunan kita di TLDM itu mengambil kira semua
faktor-faktor ini. Itu sahaja.

Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Saya jemput Sri Gading.
Tuan Haji Aminolhuda bin Hassan [Sri Gading]: Terima kasih, Tan Sri Speaker.
Soalan tambahan saya adalah berkaitan dengan keselamatan. Oleh kerana MRSS ini adalah
sebagai bantuan untuk hantar bekalan dan sebagainya. Sedangkan kita punya laut ini luas
terutamanya Laut China Selatan yang panjangnya pun 568.42 kilometer dengan bukan sahaja di Laut China Selatan, bahkan di sebelah Selat Melaka juga kita ada masalah lanun
dan sebagainya.
Sedangkan kalau kita lihat bahagian untuk ketenteraan bagi Indonesia ada RM37
bilion, Singapura RM65 bilion. Singapura yang kecil pun bajet ketenteraannya besar. Jadi,
apakah perancangan kementerian untuk memastikan keselamatan negara itu betul-betul
dapat dijaga dengan usaha yang sepatutnya bagaimana? Apakah perancangan seterusnya
untuk memastikan kapal-kapal keperluan negara ini ada pada negara kita?

Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Sila, Menteri.
Tuan Haji Adly bin Zahari: Terima kasih, Yang Berhormat Sri Gading di atas
persoalan yang dikemukakan. Tan Sri Yang di-Pertua, seperti mana kita tahu bahawa kita
telah menggariskan Kertas Putih Pertahanan kita dan kita tahu Malaysia sebuah negara
maritim. Kita tahu bahawa dalam Kertas Putih Pertahanan itu gabungan kita sama ada
kekuatan kita di laut, di darat mahupun di udara termasuk yang terbaru kita letakkan antara
elemen penting adalah kekuatan siber kita.
Sebab itu kalau kita lihat kemampuan kita di kala ini, itu tidak perlu kita pertikaikan.
Tugas dan tanggungjawab kita di Kementerian Pertahanan adalah untuk pastikan kedaulatan
dan sempadan kita sentiasa terjaga. Sebab itu kita mengambil kira semua aspek-aspek ini.
Memang saya akui bahawa bajet kita walaupun tahun ini ditingkatkan RM2 bilion
tidak cukup bagi kita. Tetapi, kerana keperluan-keperluan pertahanan ini memang perlu kita
pertingkatkan demi masa depan pertahanan negara kita dan juga sebenarnya kalau kita lihat
dalam negara maritim pertahanan itu juga akan merangsang juga kemampuan ekonomi kita.
Kerana kita tahu bahawa kekayaan kita ada di laut itu sama ada hasil minyak dan
pelancongannya dan dari segi perdagangannya. Sebab itu kalau kita lihat investment kita
kepada pertahanan itu sebenarnya adalah sebahagian daripada keperluan untuk memastikan
ekonomi negara juga. Itu sahaja jawapan

The RMN had started talking publicly on the MRSS since 1997 and if indeed that the first ship is funded from 2026, it is likely the first ship will only be commissioned into service by 2028/2029. Which is some 30 years after the plan was made public. If the ship building goes to plan, anyway.

RMN’s 15 to 5 plan, graphic posted on the service official Facebook page, TLDM

For the record, by that time both KD Indera Sakti and KD Mahawangsa will be near the half-century mark. One could argue if the LCS project had not gone haywire, funding for the MRSS will be forthcoming. That said stranger things have happened before. The last time the MRSS came so close to funding was back in 2017. Eight months later it became clear that it will not. Honestly, if that did not happen, I am still of the opinion that the the MRSS project would not have proceeded anyway due to the LCS fiasco.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (71)

  • For me, it's better to acquire two more submarines in current RMK, at least the gov manages to complete one of the five classes in RMN

  • "litteral" combat ship??


    "Oleh kerana MRSS ini adalah
    sebagai bantuan untuk hantar bekalan dan sebagainya"

    In the past... Our MPCSS (Multi Purpose Command Support Ships) among their important tasks is to be command centers for small boats, FACs etc. As for their logistics operations, they need to load/unload their cargo/vehicles at a pier, although it can self load/unload with their built-in cranes.

    Do we need fancy LPD/LHD to do those tasks? It is a nice to have, but not really a must.

    Logistics bridge between East and West Malaysia can be done with fast RORO ships. Most of US and UK military logistics actually use these kind of ships. US Military Sealift Command (MSC) has many RORO ships that actually does most of the logistical movements. The Bob Hope Class for example

    UK uses the Point class ships

    Spanish navy bought the SPS Ysabel secondhand for EUR 7.5 million. The ship recently has been busy transporting military equipment to Ukraine and Lebanon (UNIFIL). Recently Spanish navy has put out a requirement for a 2nd RORO ship like the Ysabel.

    For small ship support, command, etc. this can be done by OSVs. Recently many navies (Australia and UK comes to mind) has been buying used OSVs for various missions. Malaysia as a major oil and gas producer, has plenty of similar ships owned by Malaysian companies.

  • Sekadar pandangan saya. Berkaitan program MRSS ini, siapa tahu mungkin sepertinya program 12 helikopter baru untuk TUDM yang baru diluluskan dalam bajet 2024 baru ini, tidak mustahil program MRSS juga mampu diluluskan kerajaan lebih awal / sebelum RMK 13. Dahulu pun program CAP 55 TUDM menyatakan helikopter baru hanya akan dibeli dalam jangka masa -+10 tahun akan datang (RMK 13 ke atas) tapi ternyata kerajaan meluluskannya lebih awal. Mari berharap MRSS program juga seperti itu.

  • We all knew what holding MRSS heck even the LMS batch 2 purchase..Its that dam*ed LCS..Sucking all the funds preventing RMN to expand and replace their aging (almost ancient) fleet.But no lets just focus on LCS and pour all the money into that scam.Lets just coolly cancel the sixth ship and increase the contract value to 12 odd billion and contract time to the end of the world.That too coming from someone who want to "combat corruption".

  • Rock

    Approved doesnt mean that RMAF will get them earlier.You know how we tend to do things here.Funding approval just to make AF top brass feel happy and applaud his tenure and direction..Thats all.I will change my mind if RMAF able to sign the contract for that 12 helos early next year of the latest by june/july next year.

  • Hulubalang "Do we need fancy LPD/LHD to do those tasks? It is a nice to have, but not really a must."

    You missing the point really.
    Most of the things your proposed are mostly a one trick pony. Good for efficiency sake but not particularly great at being flexible.

    Efficiency always comes at the cost of flexibility and thus one of the reasons why IBM, Nokia, blackberry goes belly up.

    Military by occupation required flexibility because they unlike internal security, medical or educational sector aren't doing the same jobs days by day but rather they have to perform whatever odds job the gov ask of them to perform.

    Strategic sealift is part of MRSS jobs just like patrol duty is part of LMS jobs. But it doesn't mean it's the only job its going to perform and thus RMN aren't going to exchange MRSS & LMS with RoRo ferry & OPVs.

  • ... - “… Our MPCSS (Multi Purpose Command Support Ships) among their important tasks is to be command centers for small boats”

    No ... Not as “commend centres” per see but more as “mother ships”, a means of replenishment and for ships to shelter as to speak when sea conditions are rough; a task previously perfumed by the Banggi, Jarom and Langkawi.

    ... - “Logistics bridge between East and West Malaysia can be done with fast RORO ships”

    As has been pointed out the issue is that the MRSS is intended to perform various roles. Now if the requirement was for something to be a “logistics bridge between East and West Malaysia” then the issue becomes somewhat simpler but it isn’t.

    A RO RO is great for moving stuff from A to B but for something with more operational flexibility/utility a MPSS is needed and that is precisely why there has been an outstanding requirement for it... You will also note that the RMN often stresses the need for a MPSS to move stuff to the East and support UN ops but this is a sales pitch; the decision makers like to see something whinge has a civilian/peacetime utility.

  • So funding will only come 1 RMK later. Let's see if this will remain come the Cabinet reshuffle or perhaps another change in Govt.

    Being delayed is one thing, has TLDM already identified the ship that they wanted to get from? The ship selection seem to have quieted after LIMA.

    • Of course lah, as no funding has been quaranteed they cannot go around asking for a design to choose. Until funding is confirmed, they cannot pin down the requirement.
