More Pictures of LCS in 2025

LCS 2 on the Lunas hardstand. The plan is for her to be launch in mid 2025. RMN picture.

SHAH ALAM: Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin in his speech at Parliament on February 20 also spoke about the LCS. Among the highlights of what he said was that the project was delayed by some one percent due to the late delivery of equipment from the original manufacturer. As the project has been delayed by six years one cannot help but laugh at the irony of the statement.

Khaled did not identify the equipment and company though. He also did not say whether the company has been issued a liquidated ascertained damages for the delay. Perhaps it was the result of the delay in paying the OEM in the first place.

The RMN delegation for the visit to LCS 1 and LCS 2 on February 20 2025.

On the same day of his speech, RMN deputy chief Vice Admiral Shamsuddin Ludin also visited Lumut Naval Shipyard to see the development of LCS 1 and LCS 2. Not much details were released apart from affirming the delivery of LCS 1 is scheduled for August 2026. The rest will be followed in eight months interval.
The forward part of the LCS 1.

From the pictures provided by RMN, it appears that the CMS workstation has been installed on LCS 1. It is still unclear whether the ship’s engines and generators have been turned on or whether the ship is relying on shore power to ran them and other functions.
RMN deputy chief Vice Admiral Shamsuddin Ludin looking at the workstation in the CMS portion of LCS1. RMN.

Do note that although Shamsuddin was only made the deputy late last year, he is well versed about the LCS. He was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Planning and Development around 2011 and 2013 when the LCS project started.

Defence Minister speech at Parliament.

95. Seterusnya, YB Merbok dan YB Lumut membangkitkan tentang status pembinaan LCS.

96. Kontrak Tambahan ke-6 yang ditandatangani oleh Kerajaan dengan Lumut Naval Shipyard – LUNAS (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Boustead Naval Shipyard – BNS) pada 26 Mei 2023 merupakan tarikh permulaan semula kerja-kerja pembinaan Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), selepas kerja-kerja pembinaannya terhenti pada 15 November 2019.

97. Projek pembinaan 5 buah kapal ini disasarkan dapat diserahkan kepada pihak Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia mengikut tempoh masa yang telah dirancangkan secara berperingkat mulai Ogos 2026.

98. Status kemajuan semasa pembinaan bagi perolehan Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) secara keseluruhan merangkumi elemen reka bentuk, pembinaan, peralatan serta ujian yang berakhir pada 25 Januari 2025 adalah sebanyak 71.29% berbanding perancangan iaitu 72.63% dengan perbezaan sebanyak -1.34%.

99. Kelewatan ini adalah disebabkan kelewatan penghantaran peralatan daripada pihak Original Equipment Manufacturer. Walaubagaimanapun, perkara ini tidak menjejaskan keseluruhan pembinaan LCS dan ia masih mengikut jadual yang dirancang.

100. Untuk makluman, LCS Pertama telah berjaya diturunkan ke permukaan air pada 23 Mei 2024 bagi membolehkan pihak limbungan menyiapkan keperluan integrasi sistem sebelum pelaksanaan pelbagai ujian platform dan sistem kombat sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) pada Ogos 2026.

101. Bagi Kapal LCS kedua pula, ia akan turun ke permukaan air pada pertengahan tahun 2025 dan dirancang diserahkan pada April 2027.

102. Berhubung soalan YB Lumut berkaitan dengan status siasatan projek LCS dan tindakan yang disyorkan oleh Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) yang lepas, Kementerian Pertahanan telah mengemukakan Laporan Tindakan Susulan Interim terhadap syor-syor PAC pada 10 September 2022 dan pada 6 serta 21 Disember 2023.

103. Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat 18 syor yang telah dikemukakan oleh PAC. Kesemua syor telah diambil tindakan kecuali bagi 3 perkara berikut iaitu:
a. Dua syor yang masih memerlukan tindakan Kementerian dari semasa ke semasa iaitu:

i. Kementerian perlu membentangkan perancangan perolehan ketenteraan substantif kepada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen Pertahanan dan Keselamatan dari masa ke masa dengan melibatkan semua pihak berkepentingan demi kesiapsiagaan pertahanan negara; dan

ii. Kementerian perlu membentangkan laporan kemajuan projek LCS setiap tiga bulan kepada PAC sehingga projek LCS disempurnakan.

b. Baki satu syor adalah di luar bidang kuasa Kementerian ini di mana pihak Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia perlu mengambil tindakan ke atas segala penemuan Laporan PAC,Laporan Jawatankuasa Siasatan Tadbir Urus, Perolehan dan Kewangan Kerajaan (JKSTUPKK), dan Laporan Pengauditan Forensik dengan kadar segera. Oleh yang demikian, Kementerian Pertahanan menyerah sepenuhnya kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) untuk melakukan siasatan serta mengambil tindakan sewajarnya jika didapati berlakunya ketidakpatuhan terhadap perolehan ini.

RMN deputy chief Vice Admiral Shamsuddin Ludin inside the uncompleted portion of the LCS 1 Combat Management System cabin. RMN.

LUMUT, 20 Feb – Timbalan Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Madya Dato’ Ts. Shamsuddin bin Hj Ludin bersama ahli Jawatankuasa Laksamana TLDM telah melaksanakan lawatan kerja ke limbungan Lumut Naval Shipyard (LUNAS) bagi meninjau perkembangan pembinaan projek Kapal Pesisir Pantai (LCS).
Kehadiran Laksamana Madya Dato’ Ts. Shamsuddin telah disambut oleh Laksamana Pertama Ir. Ts. Franklin Jayasekhar Joseph selaku Ketua Pengarah Projek LCS TLDM serta diiringi oleh Komander Jal Shazidi bin Bassari TLDM (Bersara), Ketua Pegawai Operasi LUNAS Lumut dan Kepten Rosnizam bin Che Puteh TLDM (Bersara), Pengarah Projek LCS LUNAS.
Di dalam rangka lawatan, Laksamana Madya Dato’ Ts. Shamsuddin bersama delegasi telah diberi taklimat kemajuan pembinaan LCS 1 dan LCS lain serta Shore Integration Facility (SIF) yang telah beroperasi.
Lawatan kerja ini membuktikan bahawa Pengurusan Tertinggi TLDM sentiasa melaksanakan pemantauan terhadap perkembangan fasa pembinaan LCS agar mengikut piawaian kualiti tertinggi mengikut spesifikasi dan dapat disiapkan mengikut tempoh yang ditetapkan.
Komitmen LUNAS dalam setiap fasa pembinaan sehingga ke hari ini juga membuktikan komitmen dan kerjasama jitu sebagai rakan strategik yang erat di dalam menyokong keperluan operasi TLDM.
LCS 1 dijadualkan untuk diserahkan kepada TLDM pada Ogos 2026 manakala kapal seterusnya dijadualkan diserah selang 8 bulan sehingga LCS 5 pada April 2029.

Checking out the digital map of the LCS CMS at the Lunas CMS integration room.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (39)

  • I am not too optimistic that Lcs 2 can be launched in August. As for Lcs 1 i can see the progress is good but no confirmation on certain equipment such as the Mica. I am not sure if the towed array sonar already delivered and in storage. The NSM missiles already delivered right? The organic helos probably will be from the leased program. I do hope all is well because this is important we need the ship asap. It has become a laughing stock in the region. Maharajalela 2501 the ship that afraid of water, i do hope the best for you.

    • No lah, the leased helicopters will not be an organic to the LCS. Whether they even try to land them on board LCS is a big question. The government will have to decide in the next few years whether they will want the ASW version of the Seahawk. Not the Romeo as it is for surface action.

  • The launchers have to be installed during the build process. Since LCS1 is ady in final fit out, its safe to assume the launchers are ady onboard and such it would mean the Govt would have bought it and for others beforehand. Its only the actual missiles MICA that we havent bought yet.

  • @fardeman The navy already purchased the luncher for mica or not?

    I believe it is Sylver A50 which is for Mica & cannot fit the Aster. Too small.

  • AFAIK its not officially known which launcher version was selected. The only obscure internet source I could find mentions it is A43. I believe this is possible as LCS is similar tonnage with Formidables mounting the A50. This A43 version can equip with unboosted Aster15.
