More LAWs for Paras

SHAH ALAM: The Defence Ministry has issued a tender to supply and deliver eight-hundred units of the Nammo M72 EC for the 10th Para Brigade. The 21-day tender was published on July 9 and closes on July 30.

From the public specifications page:

There is a requirement to equip the 10th Brigade (Para) Infantry Battalion with a Light Anti-tank Weapon Enhance Capability (LAW-EC) Disposable System to be used by infantry personnel during operations and trainings. The main usages of the weapon are as follows: 1.1. It shall be
used to penetrate light armoured vehicles, gun emplacements, pillboxes, concrete bunkers, or equivalent hard targets.
It shall be easily carried by personnel without degrading their mobility during infiltration and
exfiltration by sea, air, or land.
The nature of airborne operations to conduct offensive and defensive operation requires the characteristics of weapon which shall be lightweight, self-contained with effective fire power
and disposable

A paratrooper firing a M72 LAW as the Pandura team fires en masse at an exercise in March 2021. Note the trooper carrying a LAW on his pack. BTDM picture.

From the Nammo website:

M72 Enhanced Capacity
The Nammo M72 Enhanced Capacity (EC) combines decades of innovation and Nammo expertise to deliver a world-leading close combat weapon. The system is disposable, easy to operate, extremely lightweight and powerful. The M72 EC can penetrate up to 450 mm RHA. The dual safe fuze and on-axis trigger equip the warfighter with an improved weapon system that is both safe and effective.

The Raja Muda of Selangor firing a live LAW. Mytradoc

The M72 LAW is likely to replace the RPG-7 currently in service with the brigade. The two last paragraphs revealed the reason. It must be noted that the RPG-7 needs a two-man team for combat deployment with the gunner concentrating on firing, while the loader is also the spare ammo carrier.
Paratroopers from 8th Royal Ranger Regiment at the recent Keris Strike exercise in Kota Belud, Sabah. Note the single paratrooper carrying the PG-7 launcher. Tentera Darat picture

Interestingly in the Army exercises I have been, I have not seen the RPG gunner/loader team though that said I have not attended recent exercises. It is interesting to note that foreign airborne forces equipped with the RPG-7, are issued with the D3 version, which can be broken into two (during jumps either from parachute or helicopters). AFAIK, we have not purchased the D3 version.
Paratroopers from 8th Royal Ranger Regiment boarding a US Army Chinook helicopter at the recent Keris Strike exercise. Note the single paratrooper carrying PG-7 launcher.
Nammo M72 LAW training system with 21mm round. Nammo.

It must be noted that the support companies with the four battalions of the brigade are also equipped with the Carl Gustaf 84mm recoilless rifles for anti-tank and anti-structure work. They will be getting the latest M4 version soon.
Nammo M72 EC LAW. Nammo

Apart from the 10th Para Brigade, the M72 LAW is also issued to the GGK. It is likely the RPG-7 will continue to serve with the Army infantry battalions which will also uses the Instalanza C90 LAW.

Like Goose and Instalanza, the procurement for the M72 LAW will be done through local companies even though it will be cheaper to buy it direct from the manufacturer.
— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (30)

  • >D3
    probably because we didn't buy our RPG launchers from russia? Besides the paki RPG is shorter that standard RPG launcher as they're actually meant for Para unit

    Also the para unit has plenty of options so it's not like they're exactly hurting for D3 version

  • Wow...800 units..good number I think. We also just ordered 780 units C90 recently.
    Mr Marhalim..what is the type of Light Anti Structure weapons that being delivered by MTO Teguh Hiasan Sdn Bhd? If Im not mistaken the number -+1500 units the candidate between C90 and M72.

    If 800 + 780 + 1500 mysterious LAW thats quite large number to us.

    • The light anti structure munition may well be the M72 RC anti structure LAW by Nammo as well.

  • Rock - ''thats quite large number to us.''

    You sure about that? Count the number of battalions we have and then the number of companies; platoons and sections. Given that shoulder launched weapons are issued down to section level; is 1,500 really ''quite large number to us''?

    dundun - ''Besides the paki RPG is shorter''

    And it would seem so is the Serbian launcher.

  • Like Goose and Instalanza, the procurement for the M72 LAW will be done through local companies even though it will be cheaper to buy it direct from the manufacturer.

    This is the most ridiculous part of our procurement. I know the open tender system is meant to fight corruption but it’s applied in such an inefficient manner.

  • Tom Tom

    It's a manufactured butthurt as pakistan is a relatively recent name and is actually made of acronyms of the provinces within pakistan

    it's like sating how "DVD" is an offence to asian community like what the fk lmao

  • TIV - ''This is the most ridiculous part of our procurement.''

    We all know that but like it or not the policy is part and parcel of the system we have in place.

    Tom - ''Ohhh, be careful. The word ‘Paki’ is actually offensive to the Pakistanis.''

    Ok but are they any here? Also, some time ago someone took offence with someone else for using the term ''Indon'' but some ''Indonesians'' themselves use the term.

  • Off topic, but has anyone read Timbalan Menteri recently recently mention plans for:
    3+3 LMS batch 2.
    3 LMS batch 3.
    4 ASW helicopters.
    6 UAV

    • We will have to see whether the funding will also be included...

  • dundun - ''pakistan is a relatively recent name and is actually made of acronyms of the provinces within pakistan''

    Really? Didn't know that. Punjab, North West Frontier, Sind Province and Baluchistan.