More Berretta Sub-Gun In Service

Malaysian and Indonesian special operators taking part in Latgabma Malindo Darsasa. Note the Paskal trooper (second from left) with the PMX sub-machine gun. Next to him is a GGK trooper with an AR-type 7.62mm sniper rifle. The other sniper on the right, a Paskal trooper is armed with a bolt action sniper rifle like an Accuracy International AX . 308 rifle. The other troopers are carrying AR-type carbines and rifles. JFC

SHAH ALAM: More Berretta PMX sub-machine guns in service. It appears that the RMN Special Forces Unit – Pasukan Khas Laut (Paskal) is also operating the Berretta 9mm PMX sub-machinegun. This was revealed when at least three Paskal operators taking part in the joint Malaysian-Indonesian exercise (Latgabma Malindo Darsasa) were photographed armed with the PMX. The pictures were taken during the exercise opening ceremony on March 13.

Malaysian GGK troopers and their Indonesian counterparts posed for a picture. JF Command.

What is interesting is that the Paskal operators are only ones armed with a 9mm sub-machineguns while the other Malaysian and Indonesian operators were equipped with AR-type carbines and rifles. Precision rifle armed operators are the other exception.
Paskau operators and their Indonesian counterparts. JF Command.

It is unclear when the Paskal received their PMX but prior to the general election, the-then Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein announced that the unit will be getting new firearms apart from rifles to sub-machineguns.
Paskal new firearms, an infographic published by Hishammuddin Hussein social media in October 2022. Note the PMX in the graphic.

Some of the guns – M4 Carbines and Glock 17 pistols – were supposed to be donated by the US. It is unknown whether the PMX were also part of the donation.
PASKAL operators and their Indonesian counterparts.

From the pictures provided by the Joint Force Command – which oversees all bilateral exercises – the PMX sub-machine guns carried by the Paskal operators are bare-bones apart from a red-dot optic. The sub-machine guns lacked the suppressors equipped PMX of the 10th Para Brigade.
Indonesian SF operators. The nearest one is likely armed with a H&K 416 rifle. JFC

Release from Joint Force Command:

Pekan, 13 Mac 2023 – Majlis Pembukaan Eksesais Latihan Gabungan Bersama Malaysia Indonesia Darat Samudera Angkasa (LATGABMA MALINDO DARSASA) 11AB/2023 telah disempurnakan oleh Asisten Ketua Staf J3 Markas Angkatan Bersama, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Nur Hafis bin Abdul Karim TUDM secara bersama dengan Asisten Operasi Panglima TNI, Mayor Jenderal TNI Agus Suhardi bertempat di PLKN Semarak, Pekan, Pahang pada hari ini.
LATGABMA MALINDO DARSASA adalah siri latihan yang dianjurkan secara bergilir bagi setiap tiga tahun antara Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Tentera Nasional Indonesia (TNI). Latihan yang bermula 10 Mac sehingga 21 Mac 2023 adalah satu platform terbaik bagi kedua-dua angkatan tentera dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme dan keupayaaan untuk diaplikasikan dalam menangani situasi sebenar dilapangan. Selain itu, ianya dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan antara dua negara serantau atau lebih tepat sebagai dua negara bersaudara yang memiliki kesefahaman yang sangat mendalam.
Kontinjen ATM diketuai oleh Brigedier Jeneral Ahmad Shuhaimi bin Mat Wajab selaku Pengarah Eksesais manakala Brigadir Jenderal TNI (Mar) Supriyono selaku Timbalan Pengarah Eksesais melibatkan seramai 611 peserta yang terdiri dari 461 peserta ATM dan 150 peserta TNI. Beberapa aktiviti projek Jiwa Murni yang merangkumi Engineering Civic Action Program (ENCAP), Medical Civic Action Program (MEDCAP) dan Dental Civic Action Program (DENCAP) turut diadakan bagi mewujudkan kerjasama dan perhubungan antara masyarakat setempat dengan tentera kedua-dua negara sempena LATGABMA MALINDO DARSASA 11AB/202.

Malaysian SF operators at the opening ceremony. Note the two operators wearing maroon berets carrying the Berretta PMX submachine guns. JFC

As mentioned above, the GGK which also took part in the exercise, were armed with M4 carbines and sniper rifles. RMAF special operators – Paskau – were also armed with M4 carbines.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (6)

  • I'd hazard a guess that these PMX are donated. Wasn't aware there were any tenders or bid for transporting them specifically for PASKAL. Also because USA gun makers do not have indigenous SubMG for a long time.

  • Yes, I am thinking the same that the guns are donated as what happened in the past with Paskal

  • ''I’d hazard a guess that these PMX are donated. ''

    Various possibilities. PASKAL may have been provided with a handful by the local agent for trials [as commonly happens] or a number of PMXs which were ostensibly bought for another unit were earmarked for PASKAL from the very beginning. Another possibility is that we were not aware of the tender - was there ever a tender which was publicly released for the
    RX-200 DMR 'Jaq' mentions?

  • Yes I overlooked that. You did post about the tender a while ago. I assumed it was for Barrets and AIs. Also, thanks to "Jaq" we know Paskau has Beretta ARX-200 DMRs but we have no idea about Paskal.
