SHAH ALAM: More mortar rounds for the Army. The Army has issued a request for bids for 7,500 60mm mortar rounds in three versions – HE, smoke and illumination. They want 2,500 each for the three types. The RFB was issued on September 14 and closes on October 5. All of the mortar rounds need to be compatible with three types of mortar tubes namely the Model `COMMANDO’ Type HB, Esperanza ECIA Model C and any of the latest 60mm mortar
From the specifications:
There is a requirement to equip the in service 60 mm Mortar with Mortar Bomb 60 mm High Explosive (HE). The bomb is intended for use in operations and training carried out by the Malaysian Army. The bomb shall be able to be fired from the following in service mortar tubes: 1.1 Mortar 60
mm Model `COMMANDO’ Type HB. 1.2 Mortar 60 mm Esperanza ECIA Model `C’. 1.3 Any latest Mortar 60 mm.
There is a requirement to equip the in-service 60 mm Mortar with Mortar Bomb 60 mm Smoke Bursting. The bomb is intended for use in operations and training carried out by the Malaysian Army. The bomb shall be able to be fired from the following mortar tubes: 1.1 Mortar 60 mm Model`COMMANDO’ Type HB. 1.2 Mortar 60 mm Esperanza ECIA Model `C’. 1.3 Any latest Mortar 60 mm.
There is a requirement to equip the in-service 60 mm Mortar with Mortar Bomb 60 mm ILLUMINATING. The bomb is intended for use in operations and training carried out by the Malaysian Army. The bomb shall consist of bomb body filled with Illuminating Composition, nose fuze, tail unit, cartridge primary and cartridges augmenting. The bomb shall be able to be fired from the following mortar tubes: 1.1 Mortar 60 mm Model`COMMANDO’ Type HB. 1.2 Mortar 60 mm Esperanza ECIA Model `C’.1.3 Any latest Mortar 60 mm
Apart from the mortar rounds, the Army is looking to buy some 4 million 9mm ball rounds for use in semi-automatic pistols and sub-machine gun. In the past this kind of big amount of ammo would be purchased directly from SME Ordnance Sdn Bhd, a GLC. As I mentioned previously, the relationship between SMEO and the Defence Ministry has broken down due to various issues allowing for ammo supplies to be sourced from any local companies.
What is interesting was that the Army issued another RFB for 9mm ball ammo in April, this year, for 172,660 rounds. The RFB was won by local company, Empayar Paradigma Sdn Bhd with a contract price of RM236,544.20. Perhaps this one was a test tender to see whether they could buy large amount of ammo from a local company other than SMEO.
— Malaysian Defence
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