MMEA Takes Delivery of OPV1

A group picture with OPV1 prior to the official delivery ceremony. APMM.

SHAH ALAM: The MMEA has taken delivery of its locally built ship, OPV1 last night. Home Ministry Secretary-general Datuk Ruji Ubi officiated the ceremony at the TH Heavy Engineering (THHE) Fabricators jetty at Pulau Indah, Port Klang on December 2.

The delivery of OPV1/KM Tun Fatimah was 16 months late as the THHE Destini Sdn Bhd was contractually bound to deliver the ship by August of 2022. The government awarded THHE, the RM738.9 million contract to build three OPV in January 2017. The contract was awarded to THHE-Destini at that time. Destini sold off its joint venture stake in 2021 though the company name remained as THHE Destini.

Home Ministry Secretary General Ruji Ubi receiving the handover documents. Note the name of the company, THHE Destini Sdn Bhd. APMM.

THHE was taken over by Urus Harta Jemaah Sdn Bhd, an investment holding and asset management company wholly owned by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated). This was done by PH government after the May 2018 general election. Urus Harta Jemaah remained the owner of THHE until now. It was during this time, the delivery date was extended to August 2022 for OPV1 and a year later for both OPV2 and OPV3.

The release from MMEA

๐—ฃ๐—จ๐—Ÿ๐—”๐—จ ๐—œ๐—ก๐——๐—”๐—›, ๐Ÿฎ ๐—๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜‚๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ โ€“ Kapal Peronda Luar Pesisir Pertama (OPV1) secara rasminya diserahkan oleh pihak TH Heavy Engineering Berhad (THHE) kepada Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) dalam majlis yang diadakan pada hari ini.
Dalam majlis berkenaan, Ketua Setiausaha KDN, YBhg Datuk Haji Ruji bin Haji Ubi telah hadir untuk menerima OPV1 secara rasmi bagi membolehkan ianya diserahkan kepada Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas penguatkuasaan dan carilamat.
Penyerahan OPV1 ini adalah satu lagi detik bersejarah kepada kementerian ini khususnya Kerajaan MADANI kerana telah berjaya memastikan kapal peronda buatan tempatan ini siap dibina setelah beberapa kali berlaku penangguhan akibat ancaman Covid-19 selain proses membawa masuk peralatan teknikal terkini kapal yang diimport dari negara luar.
OPV1 ini dibina menggunakan rekabentuk Damen 1800 berukuran 83 meter panjang dengan lebar 13.7 meter dan berkeupayaan melakukan operasi di laut dalam jangka waktu 21 hari tanpa ulang bekal.
Reka bentuk kapal ini bakal menjadikan OPV1 berkemampuan menghadapi laut bergelora sehingga tahap Force 7. Ianya juga mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas seperti Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief (HADR), bertindak sebagai Kapal Logistik, Kapal Mothership, Kapal Pemerintah, serta menjadi tempat penyimpanan Oil Pollution Equipment.
Turut hadir sama Ketua Pengarah Maritim Malaysia, Laksamana Maritim Datuk Hamid Mohd Amin serta Pengerusi TH Heavy Engineering Berhad, YBhg. Datoโ€™ Ir. Jauhari bin Hamidi.
OPV1 ini mampu mecapai kelajuan 21 knot serta mempunyai fasiliti seperti tapak pendaratan helikopter dan bilik tahanan. Malah ia juga turut dilengkapi dengan peralatan canggih seperti Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Meriam 30mm Smash Aselsan, dua buah bot jenis Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) Dan Fast Interceptor Craft.
OPV1 ini juga didatangkan bersama Radar X dan S Band bagi memastikan rondaan mampu bergerak secara meluas selain boleh menempatkan 70 orang anak kapal dalam satu-satu masa operasi.
Berdasarkan kehebatan yang ada pada kapal berkenaan, ia diharapkan mampu membantu Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (Maritim Malaysia) memperkasakan lagi pengoperasian agensi ini dalam menguatkuasakan undang-undang maritim seterusnya memastikan Zon Maritim Malaysia (ZMM) berada dalam keadaan selamat dan sejahtera.
Sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak Kementerian, OPV1 telah melalui beberapa fasa percubaan termasuk fasa ujian di laut (sea trial) yang dilakukan di Selat Melaka bersama aset-aset Maritim Malaysia yang terlibat dalam Eksesais Maritim Perkasa Barat pada 28 November lalu.

Home Ministry Secretary General Datuk Ruji Ubi speaking at the handover ceremony on the helo-deck of OPV1. APMM.

The current government it appears had taken credit for OPV1 (see the bold paragraph) despite the issues surrounding her delayed delivery and the unknown fate of her sister ships.


The current government also extended a loan of RM152.6 million to THHE early last year to ensure the completion of OPV1 within the year. The completion of OPV2 and OPV3 remained under threat though as THHE had voluntary wound-up the company, putting at risk the completion of the uncompleted ships. Both ships remained in various stage of manufacturing when seen at the shipyard in 2019. Recent pictures showed the blocks seen in 2019 remained incomplete.
KDN graphic on OPV1.

OPV1 is likely to sail to her new homeport in Kuching soon where she is likely to be named.

โ€” Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (37)

  • And the name will be....*drum roll*... TBC later!

    "The current government it appears had taken credit for OPV1"
    Okayyy... so will they take blame too for delays with OPV2 & 3? No?

  • Just like the LCS, the program was given to a company with no experience building such ships. And just like the pain LTAT has to endure with the LCS project, Lembaga TH has to endure pain from the OPV project. I suppose the PH government could play ball and pour endless money into both programs in 2018. Although I'm not sure if that will be good for the long-term prospects of both RMN and MMEA as it will still be RMN and MMEA's monies that will be used to fund black hole projects - every dollar wasted on sustaining failing projects is one less dollar for new expenditures. One can only hope trying to keep both the LCS and OPV programs alive doesn't jeopardise other programs.

    • TH did not suffer much pain from the project as the company was hive off to MOF INC as soon as PH government did that as soon as it was in power.

  • Marhalim,

    Error on the caption with the handover picture. The one handing off the document to the KSU is Ahmad Yusof, one of the TDSB directors. Dato Jauhari is the one next to him.

  • @Kel
    It doesnt do well if PH Govt had played ball and followed the plan pumping in more money to cover these budget shortfalls. But at the very least TLDM & MMEA would started to get their ships going and they can huuhaa on that later. To insist for both services to suffer & wait while PH go in digging for dirt smacks of political witchunt.

  • With THHE no longer able to complete them, why not the Govt contract back the original half of the JV, Destini, to takeover and finish the job? Giving it to a 3rd party that may not even had worked on these boats will lead to more time wasted and money spent.

    • As it was involved in the project of course Destini is best suited to complete OPV2 and OPV3. Whether or not it will want to will depend on whether it can be profitable. I think the reason Destini left the JV was due to the fact that it knew that it will be dragged into the THHE financial imbroglio even though it is just a partner for the OPV project.

  • Joe, so play ball is bad meaning pump money is bad. But dont pump money things wont move also bad. But dont spend money and focus on cleaning makes MMEA and RMN suffer but put money without cleaning also make them suffer. So what exactly is the right course of action? Every dollar the government pump into failing projects is one dollar taken away from another requirement. I rather suffer short term pain than suffer long term drain of RMN and MMEA's resources. Btw, these programs are not the only cost. Govt had to help TH with a generous buyout of TH's assets includintlg THHE. Govt also had to buy out BNS which looks be additional cost. All those monies represent 1 dollar less for other spending.

  • I think we can already say that the second and third ship is already dead considering the company have been wound-up. So let's forget about the second and the third ship. They not going to be delivered anyway. They will end up as scrap metal.

  • @Kel
    Its a catch22 there is no way that will make everyone happy, but the powers then should take stock who should be the real victors & losers in this outcome and go for it. All I saw was a reactive action and mostly all came out unhappy, except the persons who should be responsible didnt pay the price. Mind you some of them are at the very high levels in Govt today. So make it what you will why this was the outcome.

    "Destini left the JV was due to the fact that it knew"
    Likely so, but now that bomb has exploded so the Govt can assuredly call Destini back in to pickup the pieces and take a knee for the country. Perhaps with the surety of new follow on orders? Hahaha!

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