Mini Drones For Op Benteng

DJI Air 2S

SHAH ALAM: Mini drones for Op Benteng. The Army is looking to buy 84 mini unmanned aerial air vehicles (MUAV)for Op Benteng operations. The specifications are as follows:

The Drone shall have the following features: a. Portability. It shall be portable and easy to handle. b. Simplicity. It shall be simple to operate by user. c. Mobility. It shall be easily transportable. d.
Robustness. It shall be robust and able to withstand rough handling. e. Maintainability. It shall be easy to maintain. f. Temperature and Relative Humidity (RH). It shall be able to be used under tropical environment

Army soldiers training on a DJI mini drone. BTDM

Based on the above and the rest of the specifications listed in the RFB, it is clear that the Army is looking for COTS mini drones like the DJI Mavic or similar ones. The RFB opened on Sept. 10 closes on Sept. 20. Other Op Benteng stuff and others as well.
ATB 2 QRF team on patrol photographed by the drone team. JF Command.

Apart from the Army, the Defence Intelligence Staff Division (DISD) is also looking for 29 MUAVs also for Op Benteng. The drones once procured will likely be operated by the DISD personnel either attached to regular units or the Army’s 165th Military Intelligence Battalion. The RFB for the DISD also opened on Sept. 10 and closes on Sept. 20.
A police team operating a hand held anti drone jammer at LIMA19. PDRM

Another RFB which opened on Sept. 10 and closes 10 days later is the one for the anti-drone tactical jammer. The DISD is looking for five hand-held anti-drone jammer and its accessories including a training drone.
PDRM anti-drone team operating at Istana Negara recently. PDRM

It must be noted that although the mini drones already operational and being sought are COTS equipment it gives good training and exposure to Army soldiers for the time being before they got their hands MOTS-drones.
Turkish KARGU is a portable, rotary wing attack drone designed to provide tactical ISR and precision strike capabilies for ground troops. STM

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2364 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Man is the budget too constraint that they need to get “mini drones” like ones people use for recreational stuff? Even entertainment and recreational industries uses full fledged drones with better specs than what the army is seeking. At least obtain drones with operational capability of 1-2 hours covering massive distances. Dont settle with 30 minutes drones. At least not a DJI Mavic, should just go to EON and buy cause you’d literally find it there

  2. Perhaps the STRIDE, Ministry of Sciences and Innovation, Ministry of Higher Learning and parties involved could together hand in hand develop these Remote Control industry.

  3. Abu,

    Perhaps Pegasus might fly over Kampar one day. Perhaps but I personally doubt it.

    Much cheaper and more practical to buy directly from abroad. We simply do not have the ability to develop the UAS industry without a foreign technology provider, nor do we have the needed economics of scale.

  4. @Abu Umar
    I bet you if that happens, 99% it will be buying components from China and assembling here then call it Made in Malaysia with crony prices. Why should we go back to that era again? US Armed Forces are also huge commercial drone users, which is why Pentagon fears are leading efforts from US drone makers to develop & source US made parts entirely, albeit its gonna be at US prices. Can’t recall exactly but I think saw this in an article from Popular Mechanics.

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