SHAH ALAM: MIFVs For the Paras. It appears that the Scorpions light tank and Stormer AFV careers with the Army are at the end as the last unit to operate them, the Armor Squadron of 10th Para Brigade is getting seven MIFV K200s. The K200s are armed with the 12.7mm gun hence its designation in the Army as MIFV K200 A1 12.7mm. The vehicles had belonged to the 4 Kompeni Kor Polis Tentera DiRaja (Mekanis) of the Fourth Mechanised Infantry Brigade which hosted the handover ceremony in Kuantan on 4th October.
For context on the Scorpions please go here and here.
As for the MPs operating the MIFVs, this was also the first time I am aware of this, to be honest. The FB post did not say what vehicles replaced the transferred MIFVs.
The handover ceremony of the MIFV on 4th October. BTDM
The story from the Fourth Mechanised Brigade Facebook page:
PAHANG: 4 Kompeni Kor Polis Tentera Diraja (Mekanize) (4 Komp KPTD (Mek)) melaksanakan pindah alih kenderaan Military Infantry Fighting Vehicle (MIFV) 12.7 mm kepada Skuadron (Skn) Armor (Para) bertempat di Padang Kawad 4 Komp KPTD (Mek) pada 4 Okt 2021.
Pindah alih MIFV 12.7 mm dimulakan dengan acara menandatangani Nota Pindah Alih MIFV 12.7 mm di antara Pegawai Pemerintah 4 Komp KPTD (Mek) dan Pegawai Pemerintah Skn Armor (Para) disaksikan oleh Pegawai Memerintah 3 Rej KPTD dan Pegawai Staf 1 Teknikal Jabatan Arah KPTD.
Sebanyak tujuh buah kenderaan MIFV 12.7 mm telah dipindah alih kepada Skn Armor (Para) bagi mengekalkan kelangsungan dan relevansi kekuatan tempur Trup TD yang juga merupakan elemen utama Pasukan Aturgerak Cepat (PAC).
Program diakhiri dengan simbolik penukaran lambang formasi pada MIFV 12.7 mm, daripada 4 Komp KPTD (Mek) kepada Skn Armor (Para).
Perkara ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi Dan Kesiagaan.
– Markas Briged Keempat Infantri Malaysia (Mekanize)

It must be noted that the Para Armour Squadron also operates at least two Adnan armoured ambulances (see picture above) so I guess the transfer of the MIFV will not be much a burden to the personnel. The transfer of the MIFVs also indicates that the unit will not have a light tank for at least another decade or so. There was talk of a tender for light tanks earlier this year but it died a natural death.
Personally I would think the 10th Para should be equipped with lighter vehicles, capable of being parachuted from RMAF air lifters but I guess the Army leadership wants to continue with the current order of battle. Why don’t we get air-dropped capable armoured vehicles from Russia or China then? I have no idea why, your guess is as good as mine, really.
Anyhow, what about the Scorpions and Stormers then, will they be retired? Most likely though one cannot be 100 per cent certain in Malaysia.
— Malaysian Defence
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View Comments (29)
The whole purpose of hsving the unit is so we have a strategic reserve which can be deployed rapidly by land,sea or air. For this it needs a footprint as light as possible and adequate number of transports. Even deploying a single battalion by air and keeping it resupplied woukd take many sorties and would involve a significant part of the transport fleet. Having a IFV merely adds to the footprint and creates added strain on the unit's logistics.
The unit is also suited to be deplyed for a limited period before being relieved by heavier units with more staying power. A MRAP type vehicle to equip part of the unit, namely the Pathfinders and Support Company, would make far more sense than an actual IFV.
As for air dropable IFVs, do we really need them? They will take up space which can be used for other things.
If we desire to enable parts of the unit to be motorised, whether for recce or fire support, can't the role be fulfilled by a MRAP type vehicle? Yes some airbirne units have a need for IFVs which can be pallet rigged. I'm just not convinced we have the need.
Better yet lets just disband the para armor sqdn as they've got no armoured vehicles to operate..or ask the royal armor corps to absorb them..better that way
Or even better yet, set up an amphibious QRF unit with armor capability and release Para to do Para job
The MIFV are merely battle taxis and won't have bearing on the frontline composition except that they no longer have armoured gun support (in theory) from the Scorpions' retirement.
Atm its unrealistic to have air-droppable armoured units for Para simply because we lack the massive airlift capability to do such a thing. For one, we'd have to dedicate all or nearly all our airlifters, the Hercs & Grizzlys, to land a regiment-sized armour and troops plus munitions. Another matter is the launch point would need to be an equally massive airbase that could cater to such a fleet plus sufficient loadmasters & logistic crews. AFAIK only our large international airports have such capacities & resources.
I dont understand. Want to give something to the tip of the spear to keep it sharp, give something new. Why give old old equipment that is perhaps maintenance intensive to the tip of the spear?.
The MIFV is much cheaper to maintain the Scorpions and Stormers
To be fair 10 Para oftens practices the amphib role [albiet the amphib transport rather than amphib assault role] but the army is too fixated on the deploying by chute role.
The vehicles and men are part of 10 Para but are also from the Royal Armoured Corps.
Instead of fixating on IFVs, makes far more sense on improving the Brigade's [a Regiment of a mere 18 guns in a 4 battalion Brigade] arty and engineering assets.
Makes far more sense to convert part of the Brigade to better deploy by rotary or other assets, as well as having a SF support role. There is a level of elitism and mystic associated with para units but times have changed. Depolying by chute is often impractical and leaves men prone to injuries.
There is a reason why many armies have converted their units to air assault ones and are not expanding their jump units.
Yes we do need a jump capable unit but we must be realistic and practical about what it can actually do. It's also extremely resource extensive to maintain the capability.
The large brigade sized PARA force is never designed to be deployed as a whole.
The 4 battalion force is needed so that malaysia can have 1 battalion of ready force on standby at all times, and 1 battalion would be on operational deployment (say in ESSCOM). 1 would be on rest after deployment, and 1 would be training for workup to prepare to be the ready force.
The PARA artillery regiment of 3 batteries is so that 1 is always ready to be deployed.
The PARA armor squadron consisting of 3 troops is so that 1 is always ready to be deployed.
gonggok - ''The large brigade sized PARA force is never designed to be deployed as a whole.''
Sorry but obviously... Who indicated otherwise?
gonggok - ''The 4 battalion force is needed''
On paper it's great. In reality having just the needed airlift to move a single battalion, plus gear, plus keep it resupplied will be a huge strain on existing capabilities. Not too mention the huge resources needed to maintain the capability; i.e. each men requires a number of jumps a years to maintan currency and aircraft are needed. This, together with there being more practical means of insertion, is the reason why many armies have converted their airborne units to do other things and are not expanding such units.
gonggok - ''The PARA artillery regiment of 3 batteries is so that 1 is always ready to be deployed.''
Right. Great on paper. So assuming one a battalion is deployed, it has to be in a really low threat situation where a mere battery of 8 guns is sufficient. The point I was making is that rather than expending resources on IFVs; the cash would be better used expanding the unit's arty component; as well as its engineering compionent. BTW the reason most of our brigade's have only a single regiment of 18 or 20 odd guns dates back to the period when we faced a low intensity threat.
gonggok - ''The PARA armor squadron consisting of 3 troops is so that 1 is always ready to be deployed.''
A mere troop of 3 or so vehicles .... Actually the main reason why it's of squadron size is because anything larger than that would be a huge strain on the unit's ability to move and support it...