MD530G Contract Confirmed

The 22nd Squadron crest. Its provisional pending a review.

SHAH ALAM: DEFENCE Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein confirmed today that the contract for the Light Scout Attack Helicopter was signed recently. “We have put in a new order for (the) Light Scout Attack Helicopter, the contract has been signed,” he told reporters at the Subang airbase. He did not elaborate however.

Malaysian Defence had previously reported that the contract for six MD530G LSAH was signed in late November.

MD530G test aircraft.
MD530G test aircraft.

Hishammuddin also said the LSAH – which will be armed – will be joined by the Blackhawk helicopters to be donated by Brunei at the forward helicopter operating base in Semporna.

The helicopters according to the minister are among the assets deployed to Sabah to ensure the security of the state. Among the assets deployed are eight AV8s, Hawk fighters and the two offshore operating bases.

Apart from the confirmation of the MD530G contract, Hishammuddin also said that procurement of assets under the 2016 budget are expected to survive the review expected soon following the deteriorating world economic conditions.

M54-02 in its hangar.
M54-02 in its hangar.

The minister was speaking to reporters after the welcoming ceremony for the second RMAF A400M airlifter – M54-02 at the airbase. Hishammuddin also officially opened the two hangars of 22nd Squadron built to house the four A400Ms. The hangars were completed in mid 2015 and the 22nd Squadron officially moved in on Dec 29.

The 22nd Squadron crest. Its provisional pending a review.
The 22nd Squadron crest. Its provisional pending a review.

The second A400M – M54-02 – arrived at Subang airbase on Dec 29. It was closed door affair – though two Fulcrums accompanied the A400M for a flypast over the airbase.

M54-01 taxing to the 22nd Squadron hangar after conducting a ride for the media organised by the Defence Minister.
M54-01 taxing to the 22nd Squadron hangar after conducting a ride for the media organised by the Defence Minister.

Pictures of the A400M flying in a close formation with the two Mig-29Ns are available at the Malaysian Wings website. Scroll down the page for the pictures.

A close up of the A400M nose. Note the Thales EVS.
A close up of the A400M nose. Note the Thales EVS.

RMAF officials I spoke to on the subdued homecoming would only say that the Fulcrums were conducting training flights when they accompanied M54-02 into Subang. As it is, low speed intercepts with a fast jet require plenty of training. Like many other skills it needs lots of practice to do it correctly and more importantly safely.

The third and fourth A400Ms are expected in April and November, respectively.

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2409 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Better have it than none. At least its a good starter pack before procuring Attack Helicopters…

  2. I not sure is it a hints..the mig will continue fly…
    If RMAF wan to conduct such low speed training it should be the Hornet or MKM…

    Its still the designated QRA until…

  3. Still hoping for an official statement on why a historical squadron number (such as the caribou equipped 8 Skuadron “tak segan berkerja”) is not resurrected for the a400m squadron.

    I got a shrug when I asked one of the higher-ups for the answer. So I moved on to the other questions…

  4. This is the unsophisticated version of the boeing littlebird. But for us simplicity is best. Would it be equipped with precision munitions like laser guided rockets?

    Unlikely at the moment. We got the rockets for it but not the warheads.

  5. Is the army currently training pilots to fly the littlebird, from the air force or the army? And since we haven’t had any experienced pilots who flew attack helo’s before, who are their trainers? Apology for my ignorance..

    No idea on that, will check later.

  6. Fird,

    The pilots – irrespective of army or RMAF – selected to fly them will already have “x” number of hours on rotary platforms. They will be provided with conversion training for the Little Bird and after that; will gradually train on flying tactically with the Little Bird.

  7. Marhalim;
    What’s going on with the 4 Black Hawks that is suppose to be donated to MAF? Any update on this?

    Two are to be handed soon, no idea when exactly.

  8. 4 blackhawk and 6 MD530G, all in the same unit. It looks like an air assault/calvary unit just got formed.

  9. Dare we dream for another 2 assault calvary units at lumut and melaka to finish off the pirates at selat melaka once and for all..

    Org muo

    Air assault units to combat pirates? Thats the job of the APMM, a beef-up one of course.

  10. maxine,

    We can have 4 Regiments of helicopters and 5 Wings of MRCAs but it will not solve the pirate problem. As long as the pirates are in league with Indonesian officials (including those in uniform) and get backing from Indonesian and Malaysian businessmen; all the hardware in the world will not solve the piracy issue. It’s not as if the pirates sail up and down the Straits with jolly rogers flying from their main mast.

  11. “4 blackhawk and 6 MD530G, all in the same unit. It…”-mirsy

    Rather go the air cav/assault Regiment route, IMHO this air unit take the other route; dedicated SOF air mobility unit. Currently our SOF have their organic land and water vehicles but nothing for the air except the parachute.

  12. Few days ago, i read one of user from forum who get reply from you marhalim about our SGPV progress and u say that the progress is slower. Tell me what happen? Didn’t the goverment pay RM8 billion+ to DCNS and BNS after they sign MO freaking U?!? Don’t tell me that they didn’t pay.

    Relax, Radin, like all government contracts, BNS can only billed and get paid for work done, so in the construction phase, money will be slow in coming as they need to show proof of the work done before they can invoiced the government. And in the construction phase where the steepest learning curve lies, especially when BNS has not build a ship for sometime now. Any new ship construction phase unless the shipyard just transition from another build, will see slow progress. if this was the second ship, yes we should be concerned.

  13. MD Helicopters signs MD 530G launch customer, discusses armed MD 900/902

    “MD Helicopters Inc (MDHI) has signed up a launch customer for its MD 530G armed reconnaissance and light attack platform, which it expects to announce ‘imminently’, and is in discussions with potential customers for a new armed variant of its MD 900/902 Explorer helicopter also, IHS Jane’s was told on 18 January.”

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