Malaysian Defence ORBAT for RMN

KUALA LUMPUR: This is the second installment of Malaysian Defence very own Order of Battle for the Malaysian Armed Forces. The first was for the RMAF.

Malaysian Defence realised that its easy to make such an ORBAT without any budget or responsibility to worry about nor political pressure and self interest.

For the RMAF ORBAT I tried to be as realistic as possible, based on Malaysian Defence reading of the time honoured dictum “To Enjoy Peace, One Must Prepare for War”

Malaysian Defence RMAF ORBAT would cost around US$11 billion or about RM37billion. Is it realistic? Based on the current Malaysian budget, it is, I must admit its a wee bit unrealistic based on budget considerations alone. Political pressure and self interest? Hogwash!!!

For RMN, I limit the budget to RM34 billion. Malaysian Defence did not want to make castles in the air. The fleet listed here I believed would be as near as possible same wish list our our sailors.


Three frigates armed with theatre wide SAM, supersonic SSM, medium gun and VDS

Fifteen corvettes armed with area SAM, supersonic SSM, medium gun and VDS

Thirty missile gunboats, armed with area SAM, supersonic SSM, medium gun and VDS.

Norway’s Skjold FAC

Twelve MMCV

Ten Submarines, two specially configured for Special Forces.

24 Super Lynx, 24 EH101 minehunters and 6 EH101 for CSAR.

The RMN vessels are to be divided to three operating fleets: Home Fleet (based in Lumut; protecting the Malacca Straits; First Fleet (based in Kuantan), protecting the east coast of the peninsula and the Eastern Fleet (based in Sepanggar Bay) protecting Sabah and Sarawak.

A Combat Fleet (to be led by a corvette and five FACs) is stationed in the East Coast of Sabah, facing the threats of the Sulu Sea.

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (1)

  • Hi,
    I read somewhere here about your preference for FSCs to frigates. I prefer frigates over FSCs and corvettes because they have greater rg & are able to remain on station longer. They aslo have better sea-keeping abilities and are more capable ASW platforms. IMO the true worth of a frigate is in its embarked helo. But you are right .... its going to cost.
    You proposed 15 corvettes. I may disagree here but if the corvettes you are proposing are anything like the Israeli Sa'ar or Turkish Milgem (ie almost light frigates with helos & all) then I'm ok with this Orbat.

    I have been toying with an idea for sometime now. The US LCS may be useful esp the trimaran Independence. It has a vehicle bay and more importantly a large hangar & deck for a number of helos/UAVs. Its almost a mini LPH and can be used for limited amphibious operations and extended ASW search & destroy. The helo mix can be changed depending on the nature of the task.
    I think the Navy shld have at least one. Of course the trimaran concept is still experimental.

    A long time a go the US Navy used DASH a helicopter UAV for ASW work. They later abandoned it but the Japanese Navy continued to use it for a long time. Such UAVs can be operated from smaller platforms such as small corvettes and at lower operating costs. More can also be afforded. I think UAVs are the way to go & RMN shld seriously look into it.

